Letting Go of The Light


Letting Go of The Light


I so needed to fly

tonight ..

I just wanted you

to know

that I finally let go

of the light ..

I so needed to die


you do, my love ..

I don’t

think, but I know

and only

too well, I would

not be able,

or want, to go on

for even one

moment without you ..




  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 6th, 2024 01:02
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 18
  • Users favorite of this poem: Bella Shepard, Cassie58
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  • orchidee

    But now I'm in the dark - I let go of the light - me lamp, or candle, or torch, or whatever gives light! lol.

    • Neville

      Shine on you crazy diamond

      • orchidee

        Now I've fallen down a pothole in the dark!

      • sorenbarrett

        A wonderful tribute to Dylan Thomas here Neville,. Unlike he though this is romantic and most touching. Loved it.

        • Neville

          get outa here sb .. you just made my bloomin day so you did ..

        • Bella Shepard

          I've often thought of such loss, and you have put into words the very feeling. This poem runs deep in emotion that touches the soul. Beautiful!

          • Neville

            my heart, brain and mouth are smiling in sync with gratitude Bella .. thank you so much .. Neville 💛

          • Cassie58

            Not a subject we want to dwell on, but one we do think about and talk about on occasions. After 45 years of togetherness, the separation would be excruciating for me, but I know I would cope somehow, because my nans, my mum and my sister all coped. I would be walking in their footsteps. My husband John feels much the same way you do. There is a lot of love and togetherness in your words Neville. A beautiful poem to sum up a long relationship with many memories.

            • Neville

              I neva thought for one moment that you wouldn't understand my very dear C .. thank you kindly and true .. N

            • Goldfinch60

              Loving emotive words Neville.


              • Neville

                Thanks Andy

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