I Think I Like You But ..


I Think I Like You But ..


She said boy,

I think

I like you but ..

Are you

interactable ..

I said,

maybe ..

But get this ..

I am not

entirely sure

what you

are getting at ..

She then

went on to

ask me ..

Do you have

a wife by any

chance ..

I replied, yes ..

That, then

was the same


she said okay ..

But let’s

both now try

to forget

I ever even,

bothered to ask ..



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Comments +


  • orchidee

    Should I admit having a trout-wife? KP. lol.

    • Neville

      I would keep it quiet if I I were you .. if muffin the mule is now banned I can't imagine what kind of flack you would get if that gets out ..

      • orchidee

        Donald Duck should be banned. He don't wear any underclothes! lol. That's swoony.

      • Goldfinch60

        Fine words Neville.


        • Neville

          Thank you for indulging me this mane Andy .. much appreciated sir .. Neville

        • sorenbarrett

          Sometimes we ask for more than we want to know, or should I say ignorance is bliss. Great build up in this clever write.

          • Neville

            I have no doubt you are absolutely write .. cheers

          • Doggerel Dave

            I woulda asked how you spell 'intracitable' and then the definition and then pursued the conversation (closed questions) in that direction.... I'm not fond of evasion generally, just save it for special occasions….

            • Neville

              is intracitable by any chance that state of shared heightened awareness I have been looking for all these years within my various relationships by any chance .. I'm asking for a friend you understand ..

              • Doggerel Dave


              • Jerry Reynolds

                Well written, Neville. I don't question strange.

                • Neville

                  You sir are a gentleman .. 😎👍

                • MendedFences27

                  Quite the encounter. The less said the better. Best not to engage in questioning, just make statements.
                  The directness of your poem gives it the sense of honesty, and her final remark a sense of guilt. Loved it. - Phil A

                  • Neville

                    Damn you're good ..

                  • Thomas W Case

                    Excellent work, my friend.

                    • Neville

                      Thank you Thomas

                    • Bella Shepard

                      It was an interesting word she chose to use, interactable. And a very interesting exchanage which I presume ended by signing on the dotted line. All was well I hope.

                      • Neville

                        I would certainly consider doing it all over again .. many thanks Bella .. kindest regards, your literary friend, Neville

                      • Tom Dylan

                        A fine write, Neville. The last line just nailed it.

                        • Neville

                          I was hammered when it came to me .. cheers T .. N 🙂

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