Life is what you make it


Life without purpose
Fire without fuel
Broken without service
Hand without tool

Gun without shells
Hammer with no nail
Heroin no cartels
Justice without scale

Perfect now defective
Healthy now ill
Incompetent effective
Victory force of will

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  • Neville

    This is one o them absolutely superb bits of poetry that I seriously wish I had got to first ..

    excellent ink and so finely spilt .. N

    • sorenbarrett

      Neville you humble me thank you so much for your generous words.

    • Teddy.15

      Superb your message, and full of magnificent wisdom I shall show this one to my son, what a way to wake the reader up and make them take a look at the bigger picture that with a positive attitude we can in fact live our lives to the full, despite all of the obstacles and madness. Kudos dearest sorrenbarret 🌹

      • sorenbarrett

        Thank you so much for your most generous words Teddy. I think you are too kind friend. Your words are most appreciated.

      • rebellion_in_sanity

        Loved it!

        • sorenbarrett

          Thank you so much for the read and so glad you liked it.

        • orchidee

          Good write SB.

          • sorenbarrett

            Thanks so much Orchi appreciate the read.

          • Doggerel Dave

            Certainly make it if you can, Soren.

            • sorenbarrett

              Thanks Dave appreciate the read. Hey you're killing me. If you know of more of yours that I haven't read let me know which I think I have searched them all. Either that or come out of retirement and write another I miss your poems

              • Doggerel Dave

                Told you often enough - no obligation. Anyway I don't respond as often as I once did to your pieces, as they appear to have become a little too cryptic (for want of a better term) for this simple mind to grasp. And I'm not going to just put 'Enjoyed this' or something equally bland and non committal..😊

                • sorenbarrett

                  As you said to me Dave no obligations but I do miss reading your poems

                • Thomas W Case

                  Superb work. Powerful.

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Thanks so much Thomas for the read and kind words

                  • Saleh Ben Saleh

                    Beautiful, wise words.
                    Excellent rhyme.
                    But what is mans true purpose in life my friend?

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thank you so much for the read and comment. It is most appreciated. Being a man I can not say observation from the inside is to myopic but a guess would be like everything else to live.

                    • Thad Wilk

                      Powerful penning,
                      thoughts and
                      message my friend!! πŸ€”
                      A treat to read
                      beginning to end!!! 😁 πŸ‘
                      Best regards ✌️ Thad

                      • sorenbarrett

                        Thank you so much Thad for the read and most kind words they are most appreciated

                      • Bella Shepard

                        The analogy of each stanza is outstanding, as is the superb rhyming pattern that pulls it all together into a masterclass. The message is powerful.

                        • sorenbarrett

                          Thank you Dear Bella for your most generous words they are valued.

                        • HolesInMyJeans

                          That was a pleasure to read. Easy flow of words. You’re one of the few whose poems are delightfully thought out for the reader. Well done.

                          • sorenbarrett

                            You are too kind and your words are deeply appreciated.

                          • Dan Williams

                            Will you marry me?

                            • sorenbarrett

                              We'll need a prenuptial contract. Thanks for the read Dan I'll take that as a compliment.

                            • Goldfinch60

                              Good write soren showing the opposites in life.


                              • sorenbarrett

                                Thank you so much Gold always appreciate hearing from you

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