As I Sit Here.


As I sit here,

I look at this blank page

And just start to write.

I wonder what it will be today?

Words of love maybe;

That love of my lover,

Of my family,

And my friends.

Maybe it will be of music

That always runs through my life.

May the glory of nature,

The enjoyment of my time

Walking beside My River,

Looking at Natures wondrous art

And hearing her accompanying symphonies.

Whatever I write

It will be of joy, happiness

And of course love,

So let me begin……...

  • Author: Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 8th, 2024 01:03
  • Comment from author about the poem: So I have begun.....
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 58
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • orchidee

    Did you start, and so you'll finish, as on Mastermind?!

    • Goldfinch60

      So true Orchi, thank you.


    • Neville

      this has goldenness running write through it .. 💛

      • Goldfinch60

        Most kind Neville.


      • sorenbarrett

        So true friend, each moment is a new start and since you always start on a positive foot the path is always bright. Nicely done.

        • Goldfinch60

          Thank you soren, much appreciated.


        • Teddy.15

          I can't wait 🌹

          • Goldfinch60

            It will happen Teddy.


          • Jerry Reynolds

            Good write, Andy. My process is a bit slower. One day for the writing and two for the edit. Then I am never sure. Maybe it should be three or four.

            • Goldfinch60

              But it is always worth it Jerry.


            • Thomas W Case


              • Goldfinch60

                Thank you Thomas.


              • Accidental Poet

                Dip into that inkwell my friend, for there is much to say. 🌹

                • Goldfinch60

                  I surely will AP, thank you.


                • Tom Dylan

                  Another great write. Perfectly captured the sentiment. Nicely done.

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Much appreciated Tom, thank you.


                  • Cassie58

                    I wish my muse was as kind to me as yours is. She is playing hard to get at the moment. You Andy appear to be able to make a poem out of the ordinary everyday and turn it into something special. This one, much enjoyed about where that inspiration comes from.

                    • Goldfinch60

                      Your muse will always be there for you Cassie. Thank you for your kind words.


                    • NafisaSB

                      it is a daily occurrence - you sit down to pen some lines, and wonder what will come gushing forth
                      i prefer the moments when muse strikes unexpectedly at the oddest times, and i just jot it down to refine and add to it later...

                      • Goldfinch60

                        I too react like that Nafisa, I always have a notebook with me.


                        • NafisaSB

                          great - i keep a book on the worktable, but scraps of paper and a pen by the bedside.
                          worst case scenario, type on mobile [avoidable as the light disturbs my husband]

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