Maybe To Be Continued


Maybe To Be Continued


When I am no more and gone from here

   I trust that you will carry on regardless ..


While I am so glad I cured myself of thee,

   I shall most surely, soldier on regardless too ..







  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 9th, 2024 00:46
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 64
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • Doggerel Dave

    This is becoming a habit, Neville.

    This is me showing concern:

    Are you on a 'Six months left' schedule?

    If not, then carry on remorseless.

    • Neville

      not quite, but I have neva been one to outstay my welcome & want to cram in as much as I am able .. but th, don't we all .. thanks for the concern you old dog .. 👍

      • Doggerel Dave

        Then not too much crepe hanging please.

        Something midway between you and Andy would be good😇

      • Cassie58

        Another poem from The Making of a Broken Man which is still my current reading. An intriguing little write. How do you cure yourself of someone I ask? Maybe like a light switch, turning them off, obliterating all memory. Why would you do that unless there is a great deal of pain. Happy Friday dear Neville. Weekend’s nearly arrived.

        • Neville

          I hope you are enjoying the experience Cassie, hold on to it tight .. there will only be one other .. Have a FAB Friday yourself ma'am .. Neville

        • orchidee

          I thought you was gonna write half a poem, and continue it sometime! heehee,

          • Neville

            I have done that before .. many times .. ta

            • orchidee

              They say to me - 'What's this - half a poem? I want me money's worth!' Well, I ran out of ink half way through. lol.

            • Accidental Poet

              Your welcome is never-ending Sir N Long may your quill be wet from inkwell depth. 🖋️👍

              • Neville

                Thank you mate, always both welcome and muchly appreciated .. Neville

              • sorenbarrett

                Hope this is not a personal message. It carries with it a sense of tense anticipation of loss. Nicely worded though. Hope there are many more days ahead.

                • Neville

                  that makes at least the two of us cheers my friend ..

                • MendedFences27

                  Death is its own gate-keeper. I've seen healthy people leave at 37 and 47, and also the very sick cling to life until they were 98. Every day is one more experience. To be enjoyed to the fullest.
                  Live long and prosper.
                  Enjoyed your poem. - Phil A

                  • Neville

                    Bless you Phil .. take care & write on my fine literary friend .. Neville

                  • Dan Williams

                    Amen. There are a few people I can send this to. Nice.

                    • Neville

                      Cheers Dan ..

                    • Goldfinch60

                      We will all soldier on Neville.


                      • Neville

                        Having grabbed my attention you can now stand easy GF60 .. Neville

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