In Spirit


we are in time a mote of dust 

a pin prick in an ocean sky 

while some may catch the comet’s flare 

each one of us is doomed to die 

what causes some to burn so bright 

when most live out their lives in night 


i’d like to dance above the clouds 

do cartwheels over mountains high 

chase rainbows to the valley’s end 

and grow two wings so i might fly 

these things i may not do on earth 

but will in spirit with rebirth 


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  • Teddy.15

    Wow I can only say Magnificent, you just took me on the ride of my life. Wow. Your imagery is outstanding dearest Cassie, and yes so is your theme, I definitely believe in reincarnation I too would like to be an Angel. Breathtaking truly beautiful ๐ŸŒน

    • Cassie58

      Thank you Teddy for such wonderful encouragement. An older poem I found which needed an airing. So pleased you enjoyed it. All good wishes coming your way ๐ŸŒน

    • orchidee

      A fine write Cassie.
      I will have to wait, to grow my wings, though I try now to be 'The Birdman'. Do ya hear me fall off the cliff? - 'arrghhhhhh! Mrs Botox causes me to do mad things. lol.

      • Cassie58

        There you go blaming it on Mrs Botox:) She gets such bad press from you. I bet she!s a peach. Thank you Orchi. Be nice to your wife ๐Ÿ˜€

      • Neville

        Now then, don't that feels so much better .. I could feel it coming .. thank you Cassie

        • Cassie58

          Thanks Neville. Havenโ€™t had much time to spare lately. Iโ€™ll try to be more disciplined ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy the weekend. I think we are going to the marina. Have fun, whatever you do and wherever you go.

          • Neville

            ..................... and back at you C .. N ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘

          • Accidental Poet

            Close your eyes, you're all these things and more. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘

            • Cassie58

              You remind me, I need to slow down and relax and drift away in thought. Easier said than done. I have a houseful of young twenty year olds and their friends to make sure I donโ€™t get bored or lonely in my old age๐Ÿ˜€. Thank you AP.

              • Accidental Poet

                You've got your hands full. Slowing down will have to wait. Have a great day Cassie. ๐Ÿ˜‰

              • Tom Dylan

                An absolute delight to read. Love it. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Tom.

                • Cassie58

                  Thank you so much Tom. Pleased you enjoyed my lines. All the best.

                • sorenbarrett

                  A wonderful write with great rhyme. Loved the playfulness in this piece as it traverses the heavens in a comet over oceans, mountains, clouds and sky. Lovely!

                  • Cassie58

                    Pleased you enjoyed this one. Many thanks, I appreciate your thoughts very much. All the best.

                  • John Prophet

                    Actually, you just did those things. Nice write!

                    • Cassie58

                      Thank you. Yes, in my imagination I did. Pleased you stopped by John. All the best.

                    • Doggerel Dave

                      Swung through that in no time, Cassie; the smoothness of the ride was something special.
                      And IF your second stanza should come to pass, I'd love to dance with you.

                      • Cassie58

                        Thank you Dave. Iโ€™ll mark you down for the first dance in the next life. Pleased you stopped by. Happy Friday.

                      • Dan Williams

                        I don't know who to attribute to, I kind of borrowed it "The price of living is death" sums thing up. Nice work.

                        • Cassie58

                          Thatโ€™s whatโ€™s going to happen to us all. Thanks for stopping by Dan. All the best.

                        • Dan Williams

                          Dance and pin prick, wings and spirit. Nice work.

                          • Cassie58

                            Thank you so much Dan.

                          • Goldfinch60

                            We will all join you above the clouds Cassie.


                            • Cassie58

                              I hope so Andy, but not for quite a while. I have some more living to do. Thanks for checking in. All the best.

                            • DLewis88

                              This is a wonderful poem. I love it.

                              • Cassie58

                                Thank you so much for stopping by today. Happy Sunday.

                              • Saleh Ben Saleh

                                Excellent poem Cassie.
                                Your words are so realistic. Most people fear death and fail to see that it is a part of the cycle of life.

                                • Cassie58

                                  Thank you so much Saleh. I appreciate your kind words. Pleased you stopped by.

                                • Thomas W Case

                                  Powerful imagery. Beautiful work.

                                  • Cassie58

                                    Thank you Thomas. You are appreciated.

                                  • NafisaSB

                                    on the wings of your imagination, fly higher and reach for the moon -
                                    if there is some tiny space left in the void, would like to follow you - what a beautiful ride.

                                    • Cassie58

                                      Dear Safina, apologies for my late response to your beautiful review. I thank you ๐ŸŒน

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