You're Just Too Good To Be True


We've already discussed 
why I don't like the colour yellow
but did you know 
I'm having a deep and very meaningful 
love affair?
I cannot walk past
this one beautiful window 
without some sort of silent pause
I don't really care who sees me 
because when I'm staring 
everything else disappears 
and I imagine just for a moment
we are alone 
alone in our own filthy world
I'm cheating on my beloved darling
and I honestly don't care 
after all it's simply irresistible
this beautiful and very yellow 
Lemon Meringue Pie...
just in case you're wondering
no I wouldn't share it
with anyone
not even with
my old man. 
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  • Accidental Poet

    Enjoy your pie dear Teddy. 🌹

    • Teddy.15

      lol 🀣 the only thing that's yellow that I like. Happy Friday dearest A.P 🌹

      • Accidental Poet

        Happy Friday to you Teddy with lots of pie. 😁

      • Cassie58

        You’re too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off you. I remember the great Andy Williams singing this song Teddy. You aced with this poem. You kept the suspense going. That word filthy had my eyes out on stalks lol. However, l love lemon meringue pie too, so you can’t hog it all πŸ˜€. A fun poem, much enjoyed humour. 🌹

        • Teddy.15

          You guessed the music, one of my favourite songs also sung by Mina here in Italy. LOL yes I used the word filthy for that very reason, I'm chuckling away here dearest Cassie thank you for your gorgeous hilarious review. πŸ‹ ❀️

        • sorenbarrett

          Lust, what a wonderful feeling. I covet lust and the feeling one has with such decadence. I too would go for a Lemon Meringue Pie. A most fun read well built up and paced to cause one to salivate in anticipation of the ending.

          • Teddy.15

            lol hello delicious friend, be careful I don't try to eat you! 🀣 Thank you for your fun review, happy Friday my dear sorrenbarret 🌹

          • Doggerel Dave

            No gain out of staying round here then, is there....... πŸ˜‚πŸ™ƒ?

            • Teddy.15

              I could eat you for breakfast lol 🀣

              • Doggerel Dave

                I get a bit jaundiced at times as a quick survey of my contributions here would reveal....
                Feel I'm quite possibly, perhaps fairly safe...πŸ™ƒ

                • Teddy.15

                  Oh yes yellow, if you don't taste like lemons I'll have to pass. LoL 🀣 big hugs dear Dave. 🌹

                • Dan Williams

                  Aw come on. Not even him?

                  • Teddy.15

                    Not with a soul lol 🀣 thank you for coming by Dan. 🌹

                  • Goldfinch60

                    I too love Lemon Meringue Pie. LOL


                    • Teddy.15

                      Well don't expect any of mine my darling Andy lol 🀣🀣

                    • aDarkerMind

                      thank you to, my very dear friend Teddy.
                      a lemon meringue that has touched my heart, and put a big smile on my face.
                      me, and a certain lady, Thank You...
                      I am deeply touched....x

                      • Teddy.15

                        lol oh well I'll share with you dearest Melvin, but that's only because you inspired this one. And of course you are my dear poetry friend who gives me much of my inspiration. Thank you dear friend. 🌹

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