~> "Redneck" Rhymin' Pickup Lines!

Thad Wilk

# 1: Babe y'all are a lookin' fine;

do you have a name, 

or kin I jest call ya mine?

# 2: Howdy, ya know ah kin tell ya floss.

cuz ya gut the purtiest teeth

ah eva cum across.

# 3: I'm not tryin' ta be cheezie; 

BUT ah like ma gals like my Kool-Aid,

"sweet an go down easy"!

# 4. Kin ya help me find ma puppy?

Ah dun looked all ovar hell.

Thought ah seed him over yonder,

by thet there cheep hotel!

# 5: Don't wanna make yer face red;

BUT pizza's ma 'second' favorite 

thing ta eat in bed!

# 6. Bet yer an archaeologist no doubt!

Iffin ya are babe ah gut a 'bone' here

fer y'all ta check out!

# 7: Yeah I'm a little 'wasted' obviously;

BUT, this condom in ma pocket

doesn't half ta be?

Thet's ALL folks; these seven pickup 

lines, dun worked fine fer me~




  • Author: Thad Wilk (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 9th, 2024 10:56
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 14
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  • sorenbarrett

    Most fun and entertaining but I've tried a couple of them and they didn't work for me. Must have been the timing.

    • Thad Wilk

      Howdy Soren guy!! 🤠 🍺
      I appreciate your stopping by! 👍
      You tried two that's true,
      but there is FIVE more
      pick up lines to try! 😉
      Best regards my friend!! 😂
      ✌️ Thad

    • Cassie58

      Funny. Made me laugh. Not at all pc and that is refreshing in my book. Have a great Friday Thad. All the best.

      • Thad Wilk

        Howdy Cassie!! 🐦 🌺
        Thank you poetess! 😃
        Glad I could bring a smile your way!! 😂
        Y'all take care, have a wonderful day!
        Best wishes 🤞 🤗 🌹 Thad

      • Doggerel Dave

        You’ve got to take a rest old son. After being flooded with wins you must be absolutely and utterly exhausted. Best to put them away, plus anything else which might be hanging around and only bring ‘em out when you’ve fully recovered.
        PS: Kin I give nos. 1 and 4 try and see how I go?

        • Thad Wilk

          Howdy Dave!! 👋 🐶
          Thank ya my friend!! 👍
          Yup, try # 1 and # 4 certainly!!
          Iffin they don\'t work out,
          ya can\'t miss with # three! 😂
          Best regards ✌️ Thad

          • Doggerel Dave

            Three it will have to be, then - but I'm not sure about Kool-Aid; might provide sherry or Madeira instead.
            "Have some Madeira m'dear..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW_zi8n4HDQ

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