Behind the Sofa


A scuttle here, a scuttle there,

what was underneath my chair?

As a séance wasn’t made,

could not be a summoned shade.


Neither was it next door’s cat,

in the garden, getting fat,

nor a pipe, going clank,

Kev the plumber, I do thank.


Trinkets; lost, they don’t walk,

and sweet wrappers, have no talk,

so, what on Earth, could it be,

that made a noise, behind me?


I then chose, to move my arse,

to end such a little farce,

huffed and puffed, I moved the seat,

to tense rhythm, my heartbeat.


Result uncovered, a small two,

one was brown, and one was blue,

fear and stillness, warmth and ice,

were shown by a pair of mice.


The mouse alive, it ran about,

as I worked to get it out,

one whole hour’s what it took,

where finally; it slang it’s hook.


For the mouse, with no squeak,

I dug small grave, far from beak,

hoping that, it’s tiny soul,

could lastly meet, eternal goal.


With this said, such deeds did end,

I wondered if they’d made a friend,

whilst I sat, kicked off each loafer,

once I cleaned, behind the sofa.

  • Author: AuburnScribbler (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 10th, 2024 15:19
  • Comment from author about the poem: I thought I would write another one of my “docu-poems”, about an event that happened recently, that turned out to be a little journey. I hope that you enjoy this little poetic tale, and as always, please stay safe everyone.
  • Category: Nature
  • Views: 14
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15
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  • sorenbarrett

    Nicely done very entertaining and put to good verse.

    • AuburnScribbler

      Thanks for the read and for you kind words sorenbarrett, and I am glad that you had an entertaining time.

      I hope that all is well.

    • Doggerel Dave

      A tale complete unto itself. Thanks AS. Good fun.
      My partner has a cat. You could think that would be sufficient to keep her mouse free. Not a bit of it. Cat brings in live mice and presents. When I'm there, the next half hour is spent chasing and finally ejecting both.

      • AuburnScribbler

        Thanks for the read Doggerel Dave, you are most welcome, and I am glad that you had a good time reading this.

        My family and I have always been cat owners, and the way we are with them, we have also attracted neighbours cats into our home too. So, like you and your family, I know all about the "presents", though I think they bring them, as an act of territory, as well as thanks for all the care we give them.

        Happy chasing, and I hope that all is well.

        • Doggerel Dave

          I only participate when I'm staying over: When at home I'm mainly dealing with extremely large Californian cockroaches.
          PS: is California really to blame?

          • AuburnScribbler

            Righto Doggerel Dave, and oh dear mate!

            I hope those cockroaches aren't from Hollywood, I hear that they are a right nuisance to deal with!

            PS: To me, the actual places themselves, that have become less than reputable, are never to blame. Certain people who live in them who have made it so are.

            • Doggerel Dave

              Ere, Are you casting aspersions at my levels of domestic hygiene......?

              You wanter wotch yourself matey , overwise I'm a goin to find out weher you live an come raund and demonstrate how I deals wiv them .........'roaches....

              • AuburnScribbler


                Of course I was talking about the "social" messes of places, rather than debris around a house, of which, I have every confidence you keep ship shape and correct.

                Obviously, I used Hollywood as a geographically sound example with it's "happy go lucky" culture, which in result causes an awful lot of division and dissatisfaction.

                'roaches go wherever they please, it's no ones fault but their own, but when it comes to us humans, you've got to admit, even after we've cleaned, they will always be some dirt that remains.

                Thanks again!

                • Doggerel Dave

                  Cheers, Mate!

                • Teddy.15

                  I absolutely love this brilliant rhyming and oh so entertaining 🌹 brilliant 🌹

                  • AuburnScribbler

                    Thanks for the read and for favouriting this poem Teddy.15, it is very much appreciated.

                    By the tone of your short and sweet comment, you had a really good time reading this, to which I say, you are very welcome and thank you very much indeed.

                    I hope that all is well.

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Those mice can get everywhere Ben.


                    • AuburnScribbler

                      Thanks for the read Andy, and yes, they most certainly do.

                      In fact, I will have a look around today, and perhaps, you should too, as you never know until something is scuttling behind your sofa.

                      I hope that all is well.

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