Firefly Date Night

Bella Shepard

Notice of absence from Bella Shepard
After dealing with some health issues for the last few months, I have decided to take a leave of absence until the dust settles and the clouds go away. I feel badly that I have been absent so much, for I miss my friends. I hope to be back before too long. I also hope that all of you will all be safe and well.


She sat at their favorite picnic table

The lake shimmering below

The sun edging close to the horizon

A beautiful evening in late May

Table cloth spread, two glasses

Her best china dessert plates

A bottle of wine uncorked and breathing

Waiting for just the right moment to pour

It was Firefly date night in the park

And their anniversary

How many years had they done this?

She saw him at the waters edge skipping stones

He always did this, such a little boy

He turned and waved, a big smile on his face

The face she loved

More than any other in the whole world

They would sit together in companionable silence

Eating pastries and sipping wine

It was getting darker

The evening chorus of insects was just beginning

Now it was time to hold hands and walk

Along the tall grass path

That cut through the surrounding trees

There they would find thousands of fireflies

Flashing like Christmas tree lights

Their very own Midsummer Nights Dream

Progress would be slow as they drank in this beauty

Every last drop, and so it went

Until at last she gathered up the remnants

Of their picnic, placing them in the basket

The drive home was quiet

She pondered the magic of the night

And how it brought such peace

They would always make love on this night

So the basket would wait until tomorrow

As she climbed the stairs

Sweet memories circled in her head

Standing next to the bed they shared

She pulled back the covers

And turned out the light

He would be there

As he was every night

When she closed her eyes

 “Sleep well my love, wherever you are”

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  • sorenbarrett

    Most beautiful with stunning images and a wonderful lead in to the closing line that holds the aroma of the wine and a marvelous night of memories and dreams.

    • Bella Shepard

      Thank you dear friend, your lovely comment is greatly appreciated. You've added something very special with the words "holds the aroma of the wine", it fits perfectly.

    • Tony36

      Love it

      • Bella Shepard

        Thank you so much for reading, and for your comment, truly appreciated.

        • Tony36

          You're welcome

        • Doggerel Dave

          The richness of this as an experience, the final disclosure - it leaves me wordless, Bella. Anything else I try to put here would seem trite or pedestrian by comparison. It drew me in completely.

          • Bella Shepard

            My dearest Dave, words escape me, your comment is so very sweet and endearing. Thank you!

          • Accidental Poet

            This brings thoughts of someone very special to me and many fantasies over many years. 🌹

            • Bella Shepard

              I'm so glad you could relate, those memories are never forgotten. Thank you for this lovely comment.

              • Accidental Poet

                Thank you for the rear view mirror look. 🌹

                • Bella Shepard

                  • Bella Shepard

                    And thank you for reading and relating, so very kind.

                  • Neville

                    this proved to be a compelling poem throughout Bella .. quite beautiful & sincerely captivating .. and the summative line sent shivers up and down this old fella's spine so it did and truly .. Neville

                    • Bella Shepard

                      Dearest Nev, your comment truly warms my heart, and makes me smile. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Had I thought it might give you the shivers, I'd have included a caution "please read while wearing a coat". lol

                    • orchidee

                      Good write B.

                      • Bella Shepard

                        Thank you Orchi, for reading and commenting.

                      • Goldfinch60

                        Wonderful words Bella, such love will always be there and that last line is so meaningful.


                        • Bella Shepard

                          Thank you Andy, you know that kind of love my friend.

                        • Teddy.15

                          My dearest Bella, I literally had goosebumps in the end, what a perfect evening right up until the twist, solemnly beautiful if I may say so, soulmates of a very special kind indeed and into infinity.. your imagery led me on as I could see every bit, I have had many emotions reading this it's absolutely beautiful in every way. 🌹

                          • Bella Shepard

                            Dearest Teddy, your words fill me to the brim, I can't thank you enough. Take care my wonderful poetic friend.

                          • Tom Dylan

                            Wonderful, Bella. Such a moving piece.

                            • Bella Shepard

                              I appreciate your kind words my friend, thank you for reading!

                            • Caring dove

                              Lovely writing especially like the mention of Christmas lights and midnight dreams )

                              • Bella Shepard

                                Thank you so much, your comment is truly appreciated my friend.

                              • Cassie58

                                There is a lovely ambience to this poem and the ending wasn’t what I was expecting. Dear Bella, a beautiful write, laden with fine imagery. Much enjoyed:)

                                • Bella Shepard

                                  Thank you to one whose work I admire greatly for its beautiful ambience. Your kind words are appreciated.

                                • rhmn_7

                                  Never experienced such a beautiful time with somebody, your words are so touching!

                                  • Bella Shepard

                                    Thank you so much my friend, special times with special people live forever. Your fav is greatly appreciated. Take good care!

                                  • AuburnScribbler

                                    A gorgeous scene that you have written here Bella, and the title alone has a magnetism that is irresistible.

                                    Wonderfully worded with bags of alluring imagery, well worth a favouriting.

                                    Bravo, and I hope that all is well.

                                    • Bella Shepard

                                      You are so kind my dear friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope all is well with you!

                                      • AuburnScribbler

                                        You are very welcome, and I am doing OK thanks.

                                      • aDarkerMind

                                        perfect in every way,
                                        and beautifully written Bella.

                                        • Bella Shepard

                                          Thank you my friend, your kind words are so deeply appreciated, as well as the fav!

                                        • Thomas W Case

                                          Beautiful. Powerful imagery.

                                          • Bella Shepard

                                            You are so kind my dear friend, your words mean a great deal to me. Thank you!

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