More Heritage Down the Pan & Fuck Ann Summers


More Heritage Down the Pan


If video killed the radio star,

then Royal Mail

most surely

killed the Christmas card,

the fountain pen

   and many other things besides ..


Fuck Ann Summers


Fuck Ann Summers

let’s make out with a feather,

a couple of oysters

a handful of strawberry ice-cream

   and a few strips of leather ..






  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 15th, 2024 01:04
  • Comment from author about the poem: 2 for the price of 1 .. Brits may not get either of these non related scribbles .. if they do, I get to keep the goldfish & set it free ..
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 41
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  • Cassie58

    Two for the price of one. You know I’ve always liked a bargain. Well I might not get what you’re getting at, but the Royal Mail made me think of stamp collecting and my very old album, started when I was seven. Still collecting dust. I used to love receiving letters. I still write them, but then I am old fashioned.

    As for the second, a very long time ago I went to an Ann Summers party. I still remember what I bought. …they were made of chocolate. I think you could have a whole load of fun with a feather and a handful of ice cream. Not keen on oysters though! I have strips of leather on my favorite hippy bag which still receives many compliments.

    Loss of heritage? Yeah, I feel it. There are those who would like to wipe all traces of our heritage out and replace it with meaningless shite. Rant over.

    You know, your poems never fail to get the brain cells to work out. Have a thoroughly splendid day Neville.

    • Neville

      thanks C .. I owe you one too .. N

    • orchidee

      A comedy showed had a snobbish woman send a card next-door, as she wanted them to know she used 1st class stamps. Must be an old show, as it would cost a fortune these days!

      • Neville

        it seems everything is going up these days doesn't it ..

      • orchidee

        And - Poor old Ann Summers.
        It's like Bill Stickers or Bill Posters. They will be arrested. Why, what they done?! lol.

      • Doggerel Dave

        Well now, this took a bit of working through Neville.
        My local post office has gone through three stages –
        1.Sold stamps, handled letters, and provided forms etc
        For all manner of Govt and Semi Govt purposes.
        2.Didpensed with forms, which went to newsagents and filled up with card, pen and so on…
        3. Parcel central.

        Thought Ann Summers read the news over there......? Looked her up. The Ladies I found looked ready willing able and good to go……

        • Neville

          You are like a dog with a bone you old Dave ..

          • Doggerel Dave

            I feel I chew away until I reach the marrow........

            • Neville

              my least favourite vegetable ..

              • Doggerel Dave

                Metaphorical - I'm vegetarian and have been for years. T'was your call anyway....

                • Doggerel Dave

                  'Marrow' - got it in the end.

                  • Neville

                    .......................... 😎👍

                  • sorenbarrett

                    You have me at a disadvantage being on the other side of the pond. I never did like when fountain pens went out of style no personality in writing and I hate when mom and pop stores go out of business the franchises though they have a larger selection are all stamped out copies of the same item. No personality anymore just as political correctness is making us a society without colorfulness.

                    • Neville

                      I fear we have risk assessed ourselves into a corner from which there may be no escape .. too many are now frightened to make a decision through fear of litigation .. still some call it progress .. none of which is gonna help put you in the picture sb .. please accept my apologies write now ..

                    • MendedFences27

                      Well, I am somewhat befuddled. It appears you are not happy with the Royal Mail and/or someone named Ann Summers. I get your being dismayed with the R.M. It's the same here. About all the U.S. Postal Service delivers are advertisements, a few bills, which soon go away, and political flyers. All of which folks will not miss, when gone. The culprit is the Internet.
                      As for Anne, can't say, maybe she would be some fun though. - Phil A.

                      • Neville

                        Royal Mail has an awful lot to answer for .. and Ann Summers answers to no one .. Cheers Phil 🙂

                      • Dan Williams

                        I think I knew Ann Summers in another life. Pretty sure Halmark and American greetings spelled the end of true Christmas and hand penned almost anything, this really make me sad. Good work here.

                        • Neville

                          Thanks Dan .. if you still see her, would you kindly give my regards to her internal organs .. Cheers

                        • Goldfinch60

                          Two for one eh Neville, are they that expensive.
                          The two you mentioned certainly are, sending C cards by post is so expensive nowadays.
                          As for Ann Summers I can remember seeing her shops in the High Streets but never went intom one.


                          • Neville

                            First class Andy ..

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