No One But Us Ghosts & a Haiku - Woken by Doves


No One But Us Ghosts


Apart from me

these days,

I wonder who

if anyone,

thinks of thee

as often ..

Or mouths your

name so

very fondly

and frequently,

as indeed,

I still tend to do ..

No one

but us ghosts,

I may well imagine ..


Haiku # Woken by Doves


how lucky we are

how soft our morning arrives

   woken by doves ..






  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 16th, 2024 02:00
  • Comment from author about the poem: another two for one day ..
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 28
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cassie58, Accidental Poet, sorenbarrett
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  • Doggerel Dave

    how lucky I am
    how loud our morning arrives
    bloody cockatoo..

    Appears when I'm over my lady's place.

    Sorry Neville - I'm not good with ghosts.....

    • Neville

      spook of the devil .. I\'ve been woke by a peahen on more than one occasion recently .. I also know a local lass who wouldn\'t mind a cockatoo ..

      • Doggerel Dave

        I have a funny feeling these poor old dickey birds may have been a little lost and bewildered in translation.....

      • Cassie58

        Good morning Neville. I am liking your two for the price of one. Your first, is quite lovely. All of a sudden, I think being a ghost sounds rather special. There is alot of love there. And your second, being woken by doves, that is special too. What a wonderful morning wake up call. Have a great day. I have eye surgery to look forward to:)

        • Neville

          thanks for the visit cassie .. I will keep my fingers crossed for you now, during and post op

        • Accidental Poet

          as ghosts we may hold so dear
          names of years past forgotten not
          in hopes we have been heard

          we are but a smile
          for morning doves to see
          and so the day begins


          • Neville

            .................. I'll drink to that .. cheers AP 🙂

          • sorenbarrett

            Soft words for a soft topic and beautiful as down feathers they fall upon the ear. The combination of the Haiku following the poem was brilliant like icing on a cake.

            • Neville

              I am honoured that you should look so favourably upon my little scribbles .. thank you sb 🙂

            • orchidee

              A fine two writes N.
              Not - 'No one here in this church but us church mice coming out of the floorboards'.
              Somewhere I heard it as a saying: 'No one here but us mice'.

              • Neville

                thank you orchidee

              • Parisab

                I really like this pairing with the haiku-like a glass of well aged Shiraz and Asiago-


                • Neville

                  sounds like a marriage made in heaven cheers and I am most grateful ..

                • Goldfinch60

                  Two good ones Neville, the Haiku is very good and meaningful.


                  • Neville

                    thanks Andy

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