A Man Made Prison


The light shines

across my face

and I feel alive for the first time

in days


but as I pull my car into 

the company lot

the light is blocked out

and life goes back to



I swear I can’t go on living like this

cutting off my own dick

losing my balls

and sacrificing my body.


It’s the same thing every morning

shooting up the same elevator

sitting in the same chair

waiting for people to jump

out from their corners

with sharpened knives

to stab me in the back.


A daily exercise in medieval supernatural sorcery 

of the rarest kind,

something of which

they’re all masters at.


And oh yes! they gurgle my blood!

their cups runneth over,

leaving me 

dry, pale

and weak.

I have no energy

to find my way out


so there I’ll be

in the end,

a withered up old man

sitting in the same chair

with the squeaky seat,

tripping down the stairs at noon

to make it to the cafeteria on time


now surrounded by young people

talking about the same life

I used to talk about living

when I was young.


But they’ll be gone soon too,

we’ll all be gone

every last one of us,

some before me

and others after,

but we’ll all end up

as the same type of dust



I step onto the sidewalk

and they see me coming

waving me over


but I turn away

pretending they don’t exist

as I smile


all the way

back to the car

leaving as if I were 

never there,

here for the last time.

  • Author: Justin Edse (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 18th, 2024 20:10
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 5
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
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  • Cheeky Missy

    And to think we chased at the bit, dying for adulthood.

    • J.Edse

      Yes, isn't that the truth!? If they had told us what really went on as adults we would have ran for the hills. I know I would have.

    • sorenbarrett

      Feelings that many share this poem drips with s sense of purposelessness, frustration and anger. A sense of angst is present in the daily routine. Nicely written

      • J.Edse

        Thank you very much sir, greatly appreciated! Yes, sometimes it just seems to flow out of me.

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