
Bella Shepard

Notice of absence from Bella Shepard
After dealing with some health issues for the last few months, I have decided to take a leave of absence until the dust settles and the clouds go away. I feel badly that I have been absent so much, for I miss my friends. I hope to be back before too long. I also hope that all of you will all be safe and well.

Learn from your past

Embrace your present

And do not fear the future

But be the architect of it

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  • Teddy.15

    Live, learn build better, oh so you are here! Oh Bella I miss you so much and your wonderful poetic heart. Full of wisdom and charm. 🌹

    • Bella Shepard

      I love your sweet comment, I'm tryin real hard, but life sometimes gets in the way of things I would rather be doing, such as being here. You are the dearest, and I thank you with all my heart.

    • orchidee

      Good write B.

    • sorenbarrett

      Words of wisdom fill this poem. In its brevity it encompasses all past present and future. Very nicely done.

      • Bella Shepard

        I thank you my good friend, I always appreciate your words of encouragement. Take care!

      • Thoughtless

        Sage advice.

        • Bella Shepard

          I appreciate you reading, and thank you for your kind comment!

          • Thoughtless

            You're welcome.

          • Neville

            sage words indeed .. succinctus superbus ..

            • Bella Shepard

              Gratias ago tibi, mi amice. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Even a year of high school latin couldn't help me here, I had to google it. Thank you my friend, I love your comment!!

            • Tony36

              Excellent write

              • Bella Shepard

                Thank you for reading, your comment is greatly appreciated!

                • Tony36

                  You're welcome

                • Doggerel Dave

                  I have and I do, but confess to be a little slack at times, so a gentle lashing from a friend is more than just worthwhile.
                  Thanks, Bella.

                  • Bella Shepard

                    Confession is good for the soul, or so I was told. But we don't have to confess everything do we? Consider yourself lashed gently with these words "You are a true friend who is cherished". Take care!

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    I try, Bella - Thanks once more.

                  • Accidental Poet

                    Let the past be a teacher, the present a student. and the future that whispered voice in the ear. Got it, Great advice Bella πŸ™‚

                    • Bella Shepard

                      Your comment could be a poem in itself, perfect. Thank you my friend.

                      • Accidental Poet

                        Thank you Bella, just acknowledging your wonderful words. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

                      • Dan Williams

                        Talk about short and sweet!

                        • Bella Shepard

                          Thank you so much my friend, I truly appreciate!

                        • Goldfinch60

                          Such very true words Bella.


                          • Bella Shepard

                            Thank you Andy, the older I get the more I understand. Take care!

                          • Cassie58

                            Much wisdom in a four line stanza dear Bella. I especially like your final line. Being the architect of one’s own life. Have a very happy Tuesday. 🌹

                            • Bella Shepard

                              Thank you dear Cassie, I appreciate your kind words. Thank you somuch for the fav. You have a happy Tuesday as well!

                            • AuburnScribbler

                              Thanks for this encouraging reminder Bella.

                              I will try ever so hard to use what you have written here, as a positive mantra, to build a better tomorrow.

                              Bravo, and I hope that all is well.

                              • Bella Shepard

                                Your lovely comment warms my heart dear friend. You have so many admirable qualities that shine through your poetry, and I am priviledged to share these thoughts with you. Take care!

                                • AuburnScribbler

                                  You are very welcome Bella, and thank you once again, for such heart-hugging words.

                                  The feeling is mutual, I will try to take care, and I hope that you do the same!

                                • aDarkerMind

                                  a timely slap on the butt

                                  and a lesson learnt Bella.

                                  am never too old to be told to buckle up!

                                  • Bella Shepard

                                    Your comment makes me smile, and dare I say gives me a chuckle. Buckle up tight my friend, it's a bumpy ride, but well worth it. Your fav is greatly appreciated. Take good care!

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