New Freedoms to Roam .. & Dissent


New Freedoms to Roam


My word,

how he did marvel, at just how quick

she rid herself,

of what must have felt like some kind

of discreet

well starched and likewise, cumbersome

   prison garbs ..

Best not to mention here, all those other

associated yet

   clearly, unmentionable inconveniences ..

Nor the near

100% protection so many pretty petticoats,

the nuns did

   repeatedly insist, collectively afforded her ..




He was once, so very


and he meant so very

much ..

Though she kept him

at a distance

and yet, despite her

hunger ..

She denied them both

and sadly,

did not dare to touch ..





  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 20th, 2024 01:27
  • Comment from author about the poem: Hey, its another 2'sday so if twos company .. and free's a crowd .. who's gonna complain about a little crowd funding ..
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 16
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  • orchidee

    Good write N. I don't suppose I will unravel anything cryptic, whether it's one, two, or 100 poems! lol.

    • Neville

      I think the best place for you sir might be in a crypt ..

      • orchidee

        There's a saucy saying - The church cat crept into the crypt and cr......d. A bit swoony! lol.

      • Doggerel Dave

        Looks like once she rids herself of all that gear, she knows where she's going.....maybe she could give number two a nudge, or gazump her completely.
        Think I'd be any good as a problem auntie in the back of those women's mag...... well maybe not...

        • Neville

          I think you are very good Dave .. and would probably make an excellent agony aunt ..

        • Cassie58

          More bargain poems Neville. I do love a bargain. Two for the price of one. They appear to be related in some way. You know those Convent educated girls, from memory always spent more time in the confession box. The second sort, was more concerned about her halo. She needed to keep it well polished and it sounds that she succeeded. Have a peaceful and contented Tuesday my friend.

          • Neville

            You got it Cassie and in spite of that, you still left such an encouraging view ... Have a wonderful Wednesday .. Neville

          • sorenbarrett

            Ah interrelated poems lovely. My old grammar teacher taught us that run on sentences lead to the loss of thought. However in this case the thought was not lost but rather enhanced. It was that second thought with the second poem that caused it to drift. His name was not Johnson was it? Fun read Neville

            • Neville

              Thanks a minion mate .. muchly appreciated kind sir .. No, the only Johnson I recall was Andy Johnson the old ex England & Saints rugby player who was my class teacher and gave me the slipper more than once and knocked me into touch for being norty .. We met at a reunion a few years back and he remembered me .. Neville

            • Bella Shepard

              To shed is to be free, especially those inhibitions that could be heaped upon those too young to know better. Good write my friend, I hope she never looked back.

              • Neville

                You are a credit to our species Bella .. always either almost, or precisely spot on .. Neville

              • Goldfinch60

                Those nuns can be so frightening Neville.


                • Neville

                  Tell me about it .. and they have so many bad habits ..

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Yes tey should wash them sometimes.

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