A Co-Write With Shakespeare



O London, sweet London

wherefore art though sweet London?


somewhere across an angry sea 
for you I do dream 
tis but thy name I do love
when this ground I stand on 
and above
Is not you 
Is not us 
O London, sweet London 
forever sworn in my heart.
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  • Accidental Poet

    You can take the girl out of the city, but you'll never take the city out of the girl. I'm the same way for my Scituate. 🌹

    • Teddy.15

      Yes dearest A.P thank you dear friend 🌹

    • AuburnScribbler

      A nice little "co-write" with the bard here Teddy.15, and bless your love for London, which at the current time, is very much needed in order to truly rebuild our capital.

      Bravo, and I hope that all is well.

      • Teddy.15

        Thank you so much, May the communities come together like the old days dear friend, makes a difference when there is peace and love right? 🌹

        • AuburnScribbler

          Your are very welcome, and I wholeheartedly agree!

        • Cassie58

          You write of the city of my birth as well Teddy. I have to say, it is in need of much love at present. Beautifully penned my poet friend. Have a wonderful Tuesday. 🌹

          • Teddy.15

            Thank you so much dear Cassie I was last in London 18 months ago, and I agree there's loads to be done, I hope the British find their wonderful spirit that used to be once upon a time ago. 🌹

          • sorenbarrett

            Shakespearian in sound it rings out a shout. I too have memories of my original home that I have not seen in over 20 years yet remains in my memories home. It has changed too much for me to want to see it any more. And as a metaphor this piece might say we ourselves although changed and far from what we used to be still look back to that old self and say that is home and who we are. A glorious write Teddy

            • Teddy.15

              dearest sorrenbarret seems I've had a very special visit from a very special ghost, 🤣 thank you dearest poet. 🌹

            • Thoughtless

              What I consider my original home is not where I was born but understand the sentiment. There are times that I want to click my heels and say, "There's no place like home."
              You expressed it very well. Excellent write.

              • Teddy.15

                You are right, I would feel the same if I was away from Florence, thank you dear Thoughtless, very kind of you to come by and leave such lovey thoughts. 🌹

                • Thoughtless

                  You're welcome.

                • Doggerel Dave

                  Mustn't do this too often Teddy - it's too disturbing - especially when I throw the sixties and seventies into the mix.

                  Don't you dare take any notice of me....😊

                  • Teddy.15

                    lol, i absolutely love all that too, Carnaby street wouldn't exist without the 60's vibes 🌹

                  • Bella Shepard

                    This ode to your beloved home is beautiful. The Bard would be proud!

                    • Teddy.15

                      Thank you dearest Bella, the Bard has had a chuckle at this one I'm quite sure 🤣

                    • Dan Williams

                      Never been there but would sure like to visit. Well Done.

                      • Teddy.15

                        Awe, I hope one day you do, thank you so much Dan. 🌹

                      • Goldfinch60

                        You will never forget that place Teddy as I will never forget Rochester where I was brough up.


                        • Teddy.15

                          I have two homes dear Andy, absolutely I have two homes I'm so very lucky. 🌹

                        • Thomas W Case

                          Love this—tremendous work.

                          • Teddy.15

                            Thank you dear Thomas. 🌹

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