For My Granddaughter on Her First Birthday & Before He Got Broken


For My Granddaughter on Her First Birthday


take this little cushion

   darling ..

place your head upon

   it lightly ..

close your eyes then


both sweet and long,

my very

   precious Astrid Wren ..


Before He Got Broken


Before he got broken,

he was handled

far too much and while

all his rough edges

eventually became very

much smoother

and so well-rounded ..

Though still razor sharp,

he remained soft to the touch ..



  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 23rd, 2024 01:40
  • Comment from author about the poem: Another two for one today .. the first is a celebration .. the other is not .. Before He Got Broken is taken from The Making of a Broken Man available from Amazon anywhere .. Monies raised to Brain Tumour, Breast Cancer & Mental Health .. thank you 🤍
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 34
  • Users favorite of this poem: Bella Shepard, poetaldo
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  • Doggerel Dave

    Yes, anywhere now - Thanks for the reminder, Neville.

    These two went over my head, really, as I have managed to produce no issue...

    • Neville

      don't be so hard on yourself .. that's not an issue .. cheers anyway ..

    • Cassie58

      You know Neville after reading both of these poems a few times, I have come to the conclusion, that despite it all, you do have a razor sharp brain and a bloomin petal soft heart under that dark exterior. Love your poem for Astrid and The Making of a Broken Man is still my current reading. Worth every penny and knowing the proceeds are going to good causes, is the icing on the cake. Happy Friday my friend.

      • Neville

        Just remember, I am first and foremostly a hard man .. with very occasional moments of soft centredness .. Oh' n thank you kindly .. have a FAB Friday yourself C .. N

        • Cassie58

          That makes you a box of chocolates then 😂

        • sorenbarrett

          The first endearing the second experience is the best learning tool. We do treat boys and girls differently as least traditionally so. Girls with tenderness and boys with toughness. Should we? I don't know.

          • Neville

            I dunno either, I am just my muse's messenger .. but will go check & get back to ya .. cheers

          • orchidee

            A fine write N. Lovely poem on grand-daughter too.
            KP is broken - her botox cracked. Now she has fallen to bits. Or should it be - now she's all saggy - a sight I may never recover from! heehee.

            • Neville

              Thanks Steven .. is it true your middle name is Roland ..

              • orchidee

                Yes! I'm a rat to KP! lol.

              • MendedFences27

                A poet's brain and a lover's heart, or is it the other way round? One year old, it's a beautiful time.
                Too much handling can ruin the fruit. Sometimes well-intentioned people are prone to overdo it. A man eventually finds his own path, and hopes he survived it all, intact. Today's offering is like Chinese chicken, sweet and sour. - Phil A.

                • Neville

                  I am maybe, much more grateful to you than you might imagine Phil .. thank you kindly .. Neville

                • Thomas W Case

                  Fantastic work, my friend.

                  • Neville

                    Cheers Tom, I'll pass it on .. Neville

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Two good ones Neville.
                    Many happy returns to your Granddaughter.


                    • Neville

                      Thank you kind sir, that'll do nicely indeed twicely .. Neville

                    • Bella Shepard

                      A grandfather's love touches this first beautiful poem. The second, the story of the effect life has upon us. The two I think inextricably entwined. Lucky you!

                      • Neville

                        Just got back home and wanted to say thanks for stopping by and giving these two the thumbs up Bella .. many thank you's my friend .. Neville

                      • Neilton

                        Two poems!! I'm impressed! Amazing work here Neville!

                        • Neville

                          I'm only gonna say it the once tho' .. thanks Neilton albeit long overdue .. Cheers .. Neville

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