Temporal Lobe 



Damn, I just had it
but now
  it's gone ...
  • Author: Teddy.15 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 23rd, 2024 02:16
  • Comment from author about the poem: Humour, definitely humour, Happy Friday 🤣
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 26
  • Users favorite of this poem: sorenbarrett
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  • Doggerel Dave

    I'm going - doncha know it is wrong to make fun of the afflicted, Teddy? ..... ................................ Now where woz I?

    • Teddy.15

      I'm only making fun of me Dave... LOL 🤣

      • Doggerel Dave

        So you.......... say.....................................................................🤣🙃

      • Cassie58

        Ha ha. That is so me. That’s how my poetry is at the moment. I’ve hardly penned anything new for quite some time. You know Teddy, this little gem will be relatable to many. Happy Friday dear poet 🌹

        • Teddy.15

          lol definitely to meeee. Thank you dearest Cassie, happy Friday 🌹

        • sorenbarrett

          You talking about me? I've been there, done that but can't remember when. A most fun read Teddy you had me smiling.

          • Teddy.15

            Absolutely lol. 🤣🤣🌹🤣 ❤️

          • MendedFences27

            That's me, just a minion with no skills and dangerous around things that break. A good laugh. What more can one ask for? - Phil A.

            • Teddy.15

              lol thank you dear Phil. 🌹

            • Thomas W Case

              I can relate. lol

              • Teddy.15

                I know lol 🤣

              • Goldfinch60

                I thought there was something strange in the post yesterday!


                • Teddy.15

                  Oh I forgot I posted this lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣 💙

                • Bella Shepard

                  Oh Teddy, the story of my life. How did you know. I'm sorry, what was I talking about?

                  • Teddy.15

                    lol Bella beautiful Bella. 🤣

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