

Hidden workings of a watch,  see the hands go round
Concealed inner thoughts by which actions are bound
Know a book by reading a single page
A crook by a crime his character gauge
How quick to judge are we
When we can't see the roots of a tree

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  • Cassie58

    Never judge a book by its cover comes to mind, and that should apply to people too. If you don’t know how they tick, you shouldn’t pass judgement. I love the reference to the hidden roots of trees. So much wisdom here. Have a great day sorenbarrett.

    • sorenbarrett

      Thank you so much Cassie for the read and interpretation. Yes since we can never understand the total motivations of others it is best to never judge. Appreciate the read and comment.

    • Teddy.15

      Oh you just managed to get inside my mind, and me I to the very depths of this clock hey wonderful metaphor so deep and incredibly inspiring. 🌹 Tic-toc.

      • sorenbarrett

        Thanks Teddy your comments always cheer my day.

        • Teddy.15

          With the typos on my smart phone I brighten your day? LoL 🌹 I meant to say and Into the very depths

        • orchidee

          A fine write SB.

          • sorenbarrett

            Thanks Orchi appreciate the visit

            • orchidee

              Sorry it's often only 'Good/fine write' from me. I'm no good at unravelling anything too cryptic or meta-wotsit - metaphorical.

              • sorenbarrett

                It's best that way Orchi what is simple is best and what is easy is always right. Thanks for the read and your attention is what counts

                • orchidee

                  Thanks SB. I've been known to interpret some metaphors wrongly, causing some poets to reply 'Eh?!'

                  • sorenbarrett

                    In my opinion there is no wrong interpretation. It may not be what the writer intended but poetry is what the reader gets out of it. Have a great day friend

                  • Neville

                    I'm with Cassie .. you have excelled sb .. wiser and more cerebral than both my hemispheres & frontal lobe put together .. Top notch sir .. Neville

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Now Neville flattery will get you everything. We know it's not true but it sounded so good you can keep saying it.

                      • Neville

                        you have excelled sb .. wiser and more cerebral than both my hemispheres & frontal lobe put together .. Top notch sir .. Neville

                      • Doggerel Dave

                        Well put Soren. But let’s hope that at least some see the perhaps necessary ‘quick to judge’ as merely a working hypothesis, subject to change as new evidence becomes available

                        • sorenbarrett

                          That's why they keep changing the books what I learned in grammar school is now wrong. Thanks for the read Dave and the comment is appreciated

                          • Doggerel Dave

                            Textbook business still flourishing , I wonder? Funny - it's a few years since I've seen schoolkids on my bus..At that time (less than ten years ago, I think) they were humping great heavy bags home. Back problems in later years? Perhaps it's all on line now and revised even faster.

                          • orchidee

                            Also - me again - gotta go now and prepare more sewage for KP's dinner! lol.

                          • Thomas W Case

                            Superb work. You nailed it.

                          • rrodriguez

                            This is something to think about. Thou shall not judge, but we do it anyway. Enjoyed it! Be blessed!

                            • sorenbarrett

                              Thank you rrodriguez for the read and comment. Yes true we all must make judgements about what to eat what to wear where to go but when it comes to people we judge too quickly too soon before we have all the information and sometimes we never will. Appreciate the read and thought

                            • Dan Williams

                              Let me join the usual chorus of approval, typically nice work. A Wordsmith indeed.

                              • sorenbarrett

                                Thank you so much Dan your read and comment is always most appreciated

                              • Goldfinch60

                                So very true soren, sometimes we just do not have any idea what is going on.


                                • sorenbarrett

                                  Thanks Andy for the read and understanding comment it is most appreciated

                                • Thad Wilk

                                  👍 great poem,
                                  thought provoking
                                  and true!! 🤔
                                  We don't know a book 📖
                                  by reading a single page,
                                  but most folk think they do! 😢
                                  Thanks for sharing!!
                                  Best regards ✌️ Thad

                                  • sorenbarrett

                                    Thanks so much for the read Thad and the understanding interpretation it is appreciated

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