~` The Atmosphere Is Getting Heavy Here! - French Sonnet

Thad Wilk

Yeah, dealing gets me in mood swings once in a while.

Especially if there's a LOT of 'snow' at stake.

But when the 'atmosphere' clears there's money to make.

There's times the climate changes and things get hostile.

But most of the time I walk around with a smile.

Being King-Pin you can't afford a mistake;

for me an ma "lil frien," it is a piece of cake.

Yet sometimes I'm sorry I took up this lifestyle!


I lost my ambitions that had got me this far.

I shoulda stayed in school, listened to my Pa.

I coulda took a course in poetry writing,

just leave Miami and move to Indiana.

I'd pen a French Sonnet, that would be exciting.

Then they'd all respect, Scar-Face Tony Montana~



  • Author: Thad Wilk (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 24th, 2024 16:03
  • Comment from author about the poem: French Sonnet: With a 'slight' Cuban accent.. abba abba - ccdede - 12 syllables each line...
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 16
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  • Doggerel Dave

    “Regrets, I’ve had a few…..’
    Al P slightly the worse for wear there? Tell him that if he wants to love the snow man he can’t take all of him up his nose in one go…Still trying to sus your rhyme scheme out - c o m p l i c a t e d
    Muchly enjoyed, Thad.

    • Thad Wilk

      Hii ya Dave! 🐶 👋
      Thank you! 👍
      Al Pachino thanks you too! 🙃
      Have a NICE Sunday!!!
      Best regards ✌️ Thad

    • sorenbarrett

      Lived in Montana and can't imagine a French accent there. A fun read nicely done

      • Thad Wilk

        Hii ya Soren!! 👋 🤠
        Thanks for stoppin' by guy! 👍
        Y'all have a terrific Sunday!,👌
        Best regards ✌️ Thad

      • Goldfinch60

        Good words Thad.


        • Thad Wilk

          Hii ya Andy!! 👋🍵
          Thanks guy for stoppin' by!! 👍
          Happy you enjoyed!!
          Y'all have a grrrrr8 day!! 🌞
          Best regards ✌️ Thad

        • Cassie58

          Wow Thad, that is some snowman! Al P, he don’t look happy. I on the other hand, appreciated the humour here. As for a French sonnet, I will have to bow to your superior knowledge. Have a great Sunday.

          • Thad Wilk

            Hii Cassie!! 🐦🌻
            Awww, thank you
            your comments
            always bring
            sunshine to my day!!🌞☺️
            Grrrrr8 hearing from you !!!
            You have a
            wonderful Sunday! 🌻
            Best wishes 🙏🌹🥰 Thad

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