The Dropped Smartwatch


It fell on the changing room floor,
Heard a smash like that before.
The dropped smartwatch,
It's a Pixel, not a Swatch.
Cracks across the touchscreen,
But still works the same as it has been.

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  • orchidee

    I fell on the floor and bumped my head. No change there though for me, as me head is made of wood, and nothing in it! lol.

    • Shaunmatthewcpoetry


      • orchidee

        If they had a fire in 'Eastenders' all the cast would be burnt up. They're all wooden actors! lol.

      • sorenbarrett

        Been there done that so it has a familiar feel to it as well as a fun rhyme

      • Cheeky Missy

        It IS a "smart" watch, after all. Funny how that is, isn't it?

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