Where does one end and another begin?


Where does fear end and bravery begin?
What's sane and what is crazy?
When can it be virtuous to sin?
Who is industrious and who is lazy?

Where does normal start and end?
When is it a scream and when a song?
What is real and what's pretend?
What's the end of right and beginning of wrong?

What is green and what is blue?
What is bright and what is dull?
How can a lie be true?
When ends the storm and begins the lull?

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Comments +


  • Teddy.15

    Where does fear end and bravery begin?

    When there's absolutely nothing else left to do, I've been here, I got a few angel poems to prove it. To answer your entire questionair everyone has their own taste and limits and beliefs. sorrenbarret I love this post 🌹

  • sorenbarrett

    Thank you Teddy for the read and interpretation. This one is a floor sweeping as I clean out my closet of poems

  • 2781

    Not sure, but it's a thin line.

    • sorenbarrett

      Thank you so much for the read and comment appreciated my friend

    • orchidee

      It's a scream when I sing, though I say I call it singing! lol.

      • sorenbarrett

        Thanks so much Orchi have you tried heavy metal it might work,

      • Thomas W Case

        Powerful and poignant.

      • Qurrathul Ain

        I had to read this repeatedly, thinking I would find the answers to this that way. But I think there's no absolute answers for these, are there? It all depends on how each of us would like to think of it.
        Made me ponder, a lot. Enjoyed reading!

      • Thad Wilk

        Two thumbs up
        thought provoking, 🤔
        and skillfully
        expressed to me!!
        If I had 3 hands I'd
        give you three! 👍 👍 👍
        Best regards ✌️ Thad

        • sorenbarrett

          Thank you Thad for such humbling remarks. They are truly appreciated

        • Doggerel Dave

          So Soren you have listed the titles of twelve poems - when are we to see them?
          I'll be waiting.😊

          • sorenbarrett

            The title is always the hard part Dave. Sometimes the title is the poem. Thanks Dave for the review and comment and yes I got an eye on your list too.

            • Doggerel Dave

              Watayer mean? you trying to make me paranoid? Don't have to try - already there.

            • Dan Williams

              Ah, life's eternal questions. When I have answers I Will try to let you know. Consistently nice work.

            • Dan Williams

            • Goldfinch60

              Such wonderful questions in life soren, we each have our own answers.


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