Smoky Eyes of a Twilight Pretender ( A Platter-Tude )


Smoky Eyes of a Twilight Pretender (A Platter-Tude)

She had:


Heavenly shaded

smoky luring

twilight eyes.


Midnight sky’s

endless sparkling,

Heaven on Earth

raven hair.


She was:


My Prayer

lingering Enchanted

with Red Sails in the Sunset

the color of her luscious lips.


The Magic Touch hips,

legs that begged,

breasts that stressed

Man’s moral stand.


So it began:


Velvet worded

sugar voiced

temptation trickled

come-hither delights.


Harbor lights,

crested tide,

swimsuits tossed

floating on salt-air


Love affair;

crashing waves

against a rock

in unison.


We had become:


Evening shadows

gathering splendor

in Twilight Time.

Great pretenders

doing well.


No one could tell,

I was adrift

in a world of my own

and wholly knew


Only You. . .

and your smoky eyes

were never blind,

never pretended.


And so it ended:


You were on the ship

and I was on the shore.

I was the foolish one.

I’m sorry!


A Platter-tude.


In Italics - Platters song titles.

Emboldened - Platters lyrics, some twisted.

  • Author: MendedFences27 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 28th, 2024 10:35
  • Comment from author about the poem: Fond memories of the music of The Platters, a 50s/60s singing group A tribute group still exists.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 10
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  • JD Boye

    I love the structure you chose for this work. A very evocative piece.

  • ChrisLyn🕊

    Loved the way it was written

  • rrodriguez

    Now this is nice. What a way to go... I enjoyed it, buddy.

    • MendedFences27

      Thank you, rr. Don't know if you remember them and their music. They had many smash hits.

    • Doggerel Dave

      I was identifying right along Phil, and fully felt a sinking recrimination at the end, sadness that the sorry, after the insight didn't turn the boat around.

      • MendedFences27

        Thank you, DD. Maybe if they had a hit called "Turn the Boat Around," I could have saved the wretch.

      • Goldfinch60

        Very clever write Phil, I can remember most of those songs.


        • MendedFences27

          Thank you, Andy. A lot of their songs were remakes of songs from the 30s/40s.

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