Two Now...


Two relatives in hospital just now...

One recovering from a heart attack

One elderly, hopefully getting over infections


It's a limbo still - not knowing

Hoping the 'worst' won't come to pass

Yet hardly seen one of the relatives

For over 16 years - some relationship break up


Finding comfort in faith, though we can't 'see' faith

Finding comfort too in people

And in pets - our two cats - they know....

They come to you when feeling down or sad

Whoever said they are not sentient?


Some have not a lot of time to visit the sick

They have to work, tend to the family, etc

I DO have the time thankfully


{A daft digression:}

But - I best not sing to them

When I visit them

Who can bear that - whether well or unwell?!

And I won't bring KP along

One sight of her will make them feel worse (heehee)

Aww, but they won't let Fido in!

{End of digression}


Humour helps, but not as escapism

Nor ignoring the reality of situations


Onwards - faith as a rock, foundation, always giving hope

Onwards - through the tunnel; along the path....

Step by step; day by day......

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 29th, 2024 01:36
  • Comment from author about the poem: The current situation we're in.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 16
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  • sorenbarrett

    Best wishes Orchi. hope all turns out all right. Thanks for sharing.

    • orchidee

      Thanks SB.

    • Tony36


      • orchidee

        Thanks T.

        • Tony36

          You're welcome

        • Doggerel Dave

          Whatever gets you through the night.

          • orchidee

            Thanks D.
            In my supposed marriage to KP, one hymn we had was 'Through the night of doubt and sorrow'. heehee.

          • Thomas W Case

            Powerful work. Best, Thomas

            • orchidee

              Thanks T.

            • Goldfinch60

              I hope that they get better soon and that they realise how much you are giving to them to help them

              May you god go with you Steven.


              • orchidee

                Thanks Gold. Yes - not only me, but other relatives helping too.

              • Tom Dylan

                Hope you're doing okay. Thanks for sharing.

                • orchidee

                  Thanks Tom.

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