The British Empire


From land to sea in now quiet and mistful skys

The British empire once spread its wings so ever wide

From every corner of the world unveiled and let.

So no day on the Empire would the sun and moon ever set.


From Her old and contemporary cobbled streets in Rich Belgravia

To Her Flag left to die that once set on sea of the biggest navy.

Her empires ruling never ended and never forgotten 

and kept in books like non fictions and the fantasy.


Her homeland sparse and wide; her farmland feeding its engine

Her roads date back to the Romans, to the celts, to the Vikings, and to the Saxons.

The cool breeze on a spring morning, to the winter cold and wistful sunset

From the Northern Unicorn, to the flyng St. George and to the mountainous Welsh Dragons.


O' Empire, vast and wide where would the world be without you 

thy power and might to crush the will of the evil like a lion

and strike the serpent like a knight

Be in god's good will that thou shall not perish and in fact

The empire shall live on forever. Rule Britannia!







  • Author: Thepoetman1234 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 29th, 2024 16:35
  • Comment from author about the poem: I guess I'm just very patriotic, so I've made a poem detailing my passion for my homeland. Rule Britannia indeed.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 4
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy, Teddy.15
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