When The Shadows Come Calling



Ever seen the shadow of death? 
ever seen it, running across the lawn from the kitchen window? 
well, I have

slow motion like it was in no hurry
to get to where it was meant to be? 
a shadow so visual

it looked as if it was chasing someone? 
arms out hoping to catch them? 

i've seen it quite a few times now
same shadow, different shape
different places

I've seen an Angel too
well, the presence of one at least
that was a different
type of shadow

she brought a sense of courage
wings, gloriously shaped
I could never mistake her

I don't feel the need
to question why they come? 
I already know, let's call it intuition? 

and if you're wondering
does the shadow of death ever frighten me? 
I can honestly say, no
it doesn't, it's not how it's portrayed in the horror films

it's peaceful, just like the shadow of my Angel

why do they come?
I believe they visit to leave a message

they have a job to do
messengers of sorts? 

when the shadows come calling.

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  • Goldfinch60

    The shadow of death has been seen but My Angel is always there to protect me Teddy.


    • Teddy.15

      So kind my dear Andy. 🌹

    • sorenbarrett

      I see them as nothing more than two sides to the same coin, Life and death two gentle forces of nature Life brings pain, death peace. Most lovely

      • Teddy.15

        Thank you dearest sorrenbarret 🌹

      • MendedFences27

        Can't say as I have seen any Angels. Maybe in disguise, they do wear disguises don't they? If so, they are everywhere.
        What a brilliant, scary, and yet uplifting poem. It takes the edge off of facing death. My dad once told me he had seen an Angel. He was a child, like 12, sick with a fever, when he saw an Angel coming down from above. He abruptly sat up and realized the fever had past. Delirium? Maybe, but you couldn't convince him otherwise.
        A wonderful poem, full of what might be called super-natural happenings. Loved it. - Phil A.

        • Teddy.15

          Dearest Phil, an Angel came to me the night before an operation the first I ever had, I was so scared, so I absolutely believe your father saw one too, the only thing I don't have is a lawn, I was in the villa where I worked, and just after that day, someone from the villa lost their dad. Spooked now? 🤣 Thank you dear friend. 🌹

        • Bella Shepard

          This beautiful poem speaks softly of death, for it is a passing from one existence to another, and that moment must be the quintessence of peace. Angels and shadows surround us, we'll feel but never know, as it should be. You have an ancient and very wizened soul my friend, to see so deeply.

          • Teddy.15

            Thank you dearest Bella, 💕

          • Dan Williams

            I am at a point in my life when I don't welcome the dark stranger but don't much fear it either. Nice work explaining this.

            • Teddy.15

              Don't search but good to know you're are not scared, remember my words if they ever do visit. thank you dear Dan. 🌹

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