Can you tell?


Can you tell that I cried ?

Mourning your lost time 

Realizing what you have been through 

All your childhood was cruel


Can you get out of your castle?

The king should declare the right 

The palace should be for the night 

In the morning you fight 


Can you tell that I smiled? 

When you opened up your inside 

Like the sea you had your secrets 

You buried them and sealed them


Can you tell how much I love you ?

You are the best in your show

The views are pretty low

Yet you shine like a pro


Can you tell I search you face ?

In every family gathering you are hidden

You are silenced for a reason 

They damage your inner, causing you fever


Can you tell we make the best team?

When you ask about my day 

Time stops and we ramble 

You make the best brother 


Can you tell they are to blame?

They are the disgrace of the world

Don't disappear into the big crowds

You have been a diamond then and now

  • Author: Neilton (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 30th, 2024 16:05
  • Comment from author about the poem: Summer break Is over ahhh but here is a poem I wrote during the summer ! This poem is about my favourite person in the whole world,my brother who is going through a hard time and I want to be by his side every day but that's not always possible! I hope one day he realizes his worth!
  • Category: Family
  • Views: 25
  • Users favorite of this poem: Qurrathul Ain
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Comments +


  • Tony36

    Excellent write

    • Neilton

      Thank you so much!

      • Tony36

        You're welcome

      • Doggerel Dave

        This poem is notable as much for what it doesn't say than what it does. And that is right and proper. But many many folks don't get the best start in life for a wide variety of reasons, and I see this as a support for them as well as your brother.

        • Neilton

          Thank you very much for your kind words!
          You are absolutely right I just wish there was a way I could just take his pain away ! It\'s devastating seeing him like that.Thanks again for your comment!

        • ChrisLyn🕊

          Really love the bond your share with your brother

          • Neilton

            Thanks a lot for your comment! Our bond is truly unique

          • Dan Williams

            And a diamond this is. Very nice.

            • Neilton

              Wow! Thank you so much !

            • RSM0812

              Sounds like your brother is lucky to have you as a brother. Great write.

              • Neilton

                *sister ! I'm his sister haha ! But that's okay cause my pseudonym is a little confusing! My real name is Dorothea! Thank you so much for your kind words! I truly appreciate it!

                • RSM0812

                  Oh, that's funny. Lol.

                  • RSM0812

                    Then I mean, he's lucky to have a sister like you. Lol

                    • Neilton

                      Thank you very much!!

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