To Sing Or Not..


Fido here - writing this poem.


To sing or not to sing....

That is the question


Now, c'mon says Fido

Writing your hymn-poems

But must ya sing every one of them about 20 times

Just for the sake of hearing yourself sing?

Cos ya know it don't bring

Any enjoyment to anyone else

With ya screeching and wailing! (heehee)


Make up ya mind, says Fido to me

If ya must write hymn-poems

 Go sing 'em in a soundproof room

Or 'over the hills and far way' as one song says


And why do ya think I wear ear phones all day?

It's so I don't hear ya

But I'll always be loyal to ya

My friendly master! lol.

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 31st, 2024 01:36
  • Comment from author about the poem: Fido writes poetry too!
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 29
  • Users favorite of this poem: LP2187
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  • 2781

    I don't care, I can still hear you.

    • orchidee


    • Doggerel Dave


      • orchidee

        Is that another Fido in your pic?!

        • Doggerel Dave

          Déjà vu.............

          • Doggerel Dave

            Another award – (you will have no room on your massive great chest for all of them if you carry on like this, orchi) Alongside Sir Orchi Non Sequitur, you must now pin Sir Orchidee Déjà vu. Please continue to use those chest expander exercises, because this award keeps on repeating itself….

          • sorenbarrett

            Orchi people tell me that about my poems but I keep writing anyway. Sing your heart out.

            • orchidee

              Thanks SB. lol.

            • Cassie58

              Do your own thing. Tell Fido you won’t be silenced. Sing to your heart’s content. Happy weekend Orchi.

              • orchidee

                Thanks Cassie. lol.

              • Goldfinch60

                You my attitude Orchi, the further away you are when you sing is the right thing to do.



                • orchidee

                  Thanks Gold. lol.

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