The Arcade


Saturday morning
It's a beautiful day
Walking towards
my favorite hangout
A local arcade
Tons of video games to choose
I find what I like
A action-shoot
I add somes coins in
And off I go
Shooting aliens left and right
Gaining high score
I haven't lost a life yet
My score goes higher
I have a audience
They're all impress
I've reach the final boss
Time to get serious
I'm sweating, I'm focus
I lost a few lives
Only one life left
It's now or never
Boom! I did!
I've beating the game!
Everyone cheers.
I win a coupon
Coupon for a free pizza
Today, is a great day

  • Author: DLewis88 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 1st, 2024 08:03
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 38
  • Users favorite of this poem: Maplespal
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    • DLewis88

      Thank you.

    • Cheeky Missy

      Bravo! La, you have prettily rendered, dare I say it? The eighties into the nineties in a heartbeat. And what kind of pizza? Pepperoni?!
      The curious reality is that I gravitated towards the race car games.... and I've always driven like that was life. Ergo,...?!

      • DLewis88

        Thank you. I love playing arcade games. I left the pizza part left for peoples imagiation.

      • Maplespal

        I am 50 but still remember those days. Thank you for the write.

        • DLewis88

          Your welcome. I'm glad you enjoy it.

        • Doggerel Dave

          Nostalgia plus. Thank you.

          • DLewis88

            You're welcome

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