

I didn't say no

I didn't fight

I didn't resist

I didn't run


I listened to you

I followed you

I obeyed you


I didn't say yes

I didn't say I wanted it


You didn't ask if I wanted it


But you knew I didn't


The difference between my yes or no

Comes down to the fact that I didn't know


I didn't know anything sexual

I didn't know what to do

I was a child.  I didn't know.


Shocked is an understatement

As you took my innocence

They blame me for not saying no

But what do you expect when I didn't know?

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Comments +


  • Tony36

    Great write

  • orchidee

    Not intended in any way to be on the same theme, but me being humorous - and now for my next poem entitled: 'Yes!' (heehee).

  • Cheeky Missy

    You poor girl! I'm so very, very sorry if this is not mere fiction but rather an expose. Excellently rendered with a subtly haunting poignancy. Tastefully detailed to purpose.

    • NinjaGirl

      Thank you. It is indeed an exposé.

    • unknownfemalepoet


    • AmIAPoet-QuestionMark

      It's not your fault. Fuck him for doing that. But don't let it define you

      • NinjaGirl

        Haha I love this comment

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