Dead Poets

Kevin Michael Bloor

Poets are damned to live and die
beneath this sacrilegious sky.
They pen their petty piece of rhyme
They’re slaves, so they must steal the time

to pour themselves upon the page.
(They couldn't work without a wage!)
They hate to focus on themselves.
Their lives lie shattered on sad shelves.

They seek some kindly eye to see
(a heart in love with poetry!)
A kindred kind with self-same soul
who’ll criticise, and yet console.

The poets, when they breathe no more,
(while oceans seethe and nations war)
leave verse (its value may be none!)
to live, when they are dead and gone.

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  • sorenbarrett

    Well written this tribute to the poet, In a sense it is like writting one`s own obiturary. It rings true because it is written by one.

  • Doggerel Dave

    I never categorise my rubbish, but in your case here, I do believe you should recategorize this poem as "Humour'.
    A fave from me.

    • Kevin Michael Bloor

      Thanks, Dave. I'm glad you got the humour in this one. Many thanks.

    • MendedFences27

      Absolutely true. Many poets die and are never heard. Their words lie somewhere on a piece of paper waiting to be lost or destroyed. Here in our happy home (MPS) we at least get read by someone. And maybe even get congratulations for a piece well written. Congratulations. - Phil A.

      • Kevin Michael Bloor

        Thank you, Phil, for kindly eyeing my poor little rhymes. And a special thank you for your 'Congratulations.' I feel better already!

      • Cheeky Missy

        I've had an awful day, but you sure made me laugh with THIS. The upperclass were certain to have some approbation, unless you were Bysshe, I guess. And the rest of us should be like Samuel Daniel wisely stated since there's no better way to say why we do. Thank you for sharing, this was fun.

        • Kevin Michael Bloor

          Many thanks, Missy. I'm glad my poor little rhyme cheered you up.

        • Dan Williams

          Amen. Trying to write poems has been one of the most complicated things I have tried. Yet, after more than a hundred of them I still don't feel right calling myself a poet. Expecting acknowledgement is, exdept from here, pretty futile.

          • Kevin Michael Bloor

            Thank you, Dan. At least our fellow poets can help us sometimes by commenting and giving us feedback. I always find this encouraging. Again, many thanks. From Kev B, the least of all poets.

          • Neilton

            Such a creative and unique poem! Exactly how I feel about poets that never get recognized which I find very sad ! Amazing work!

            • Kevin Michael Bloor

              Many thanks, N. Glad you could relate to my lines.

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