

"I'm proud to say I was loved

It's how he always held my hand leading me out of the crowd

Making sure my coffee was not too hot

Holding my hand when there's thunder because he knows my fear of them


We would stay in silence

With only the sound of our heartbeats

Only we understood the story they told.

It was always the way he would hug me, warm and homely

Right then and there

I would know everything's gonna be fine

Without him uttering a single word

He didn't say I looked beautiful 

He said I was exactly how the sun looked everymorning

He didn't say I was lucky to be loved by him

He said he was lucky to be with me and get to experience life with me


I once asked him wants to feel when he's inlove

He wanted to feel like he was floating, he wanted to be warm and he wanted to live for that person and love her with his entire existence

Little did I know he meant me

Everything he did, he did it because he loved me

I didn't see his love but I surely felt it

He held me with slippery hands but he didn't allow me to fall, he didn't break me

He held me without hurting me

I'm floating he said hugging me tight then I knew I was loved"

  • Author: Intronex (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 8th, 2024 14:23
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 12
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
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  • Intronex

    Hey everyone, a 19 year old writer here I'm new in this poem writing please be nice and I'd really appreciate your comments and your guidance so I can grow and be a better writer.
    Thank you

  • Cheeky Missy

    This is so charming! I love it! The mystique adds more charm while the related moments sift along, taking the reader's soul in hand to the end. Very lovely. Thank you for sharing.

    • Intronex

      Thank you so much

    • Caring dove

      Nice words ))

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