

Flames of nostalgia in my stomach
I fight my anxiety
yearning to be home

I cannot remember
the last time I saw you
your sea of lights but a memory
as I sit here in the dark, alone

London, I love you

your stars half shadowed  
by grey river, cloud in sky
shining through brief moments

I would gladly walk
two thousand barefoot miles
just to see you no bags, just pride
holding you in my heart with a smile

my feet pounding the rhythm
of light reflecting rain-splashed streets

I know I am with you
you are always with me
someday soon
I will be back

In the heart of you.

  • Author: Teddy.15 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 9th, 2024 02:33
  • Comment from author about the poem: 🌹
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 16
  • Users favorite of this poem: sorenbarrett
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  • sorenbarrett

    Teddy I feel your longing for your home. There is a feeling of loss in this poem. The pool of the dirt from which we were born, his magnetically strong. Find memories of the past drawers, as if they were the currents in the sea . “Your sea of lights But a memory “ A beautiful line. I feel your longing. Hopefully you will see home soon. Nicely written friend.

    • Teddy.15

      Awe thank you dearest sorrenbarret, I'll go next year of my shillings grow. lol 🤣 🌹 thank you my dear friend. 💜

    • Doggerel Dave

      Might have changed by the time you get there....I may have mentioned...... before....60's and 70's London......
      But I do understand, Teddy.

      • Teddy.15

        Yeh, I'm in no rush right now, maybe I'll even wait for oasis to split up again too 🌈 thanks Dave. 🌹

        • Doggerel Dave

          🤣Some of your finishes are purlers (not just this one) and don't always get appreciated , so I'll appreciate this one.... ( PS: I've just looked up 'purler' to be sure 'cos I half thought it meant shiny precious thing, but it doesn't...but the shiny etc is wot I meant....if that makes sense)

          • Teddy.15

            A compliment ? From Dave, .......................I'm sorry I fainted for a minute. 🤣

            • Doggerel Dave

              A faint...hang on... let's set the alarm... one minute... OK...I can faint now.... l...O...L...!!!...where have all my emojis gone???

              • Teddy.15

                For you and you alone They are invisible ones only for the over 18's 🤣

                • Doggerel Dave

                  Wot? I'm over 18? Nobody told me!!!

                  • Teddy.15

                    No, you are younger than 18 lol see you still can't see my emojis. ...

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Wonderful nostalgic words Teddy.


                    • Teddy.15

                      Thank you. 🌹

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