In Silence and Disbelief


Today, is not about politics
it is not about terrorism
it's simply about remembering
“the Innocent people who died”
for the ordinary people
who were at work
earning an honest dollar
and for those
enjoying a day of out
tourists, in the Big Apple
It's for those who never got to see
their mum’s or dad’s again
son’s and daughter’s
husbands, wives
sisters, brothers
now missing from christmas photos
aunties, uncles
blood relatives
best friends 
all these people taken
In a man-made catastrophe
this is for every single
emergency service, man and women
who died doing the job they loved
skills, driven by their passion to help others
and to those emergency workers still here
who wake every morning
still living the constant nightmare
waking in a cold sweat
to the now tuneless birds
outside their bedroom windows
It is for those
innocent souls on the planes
who only had moments to phone loved ones
saying goodbye
with love, nothing but love heard in their voices
it’s for a nation
who will mourn this dark day forever
a skyline missing its twin towers
grief that only first-hand
can really ever be understood
a lifetime of sorrow
questions of, what if's
and all for what?
as I write this, I myself remember
where I was and what I was doing
on the other side of the pond
on what I can only describe as the day
the lights of the world went out
where desperate screams echoed into space
as death and dust covered the great city
and indeed the world
let us be united,
united for those beautiful people
who were cruelly taken in a truly wicked fate
I remember that day, as if it was yesterday
the day the World lost its light and its hope
The day the world stopped and stared...

in silence and disbelief.   




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  • sorenbarrett

    A most heartfelt commemoration of a trajic day. I too remember where I was as I watched in disbelief as the second plane dove into the towers A very appropriate write for the day

    • Teddy.15

      Thank you my dear sorrenbarret, well I wrote this and I have to air it, I didn't want to post it tomorrow I wanted to post and get the world to reflect on it, it's not a hateful moment it's one to come together, that beats anything ever so wicked, I worked in London at the time watched it while it was lunchtime, my boss was an American and lost his own friends and colleagues that day quite a few people I knew did, i remember every detail of that day. Thank you dearest poet. 🌹

    • Doggerel Dave

      Hateful time if you were personally involved, Teddy......
      But...innocent people die in war.

      'World peace' is absolutely right.

      • Teddy.15

        Thank you Dave. 🌹

      • Accidental Poet

        Thank you Teddy for remembering those people and that tragic day.
        Your words: "where desperate screams echoed into space" brought back the horror of that day for me as I too, like everyone remembers where they were and how time just stopped. I'll have to repost the poem I wrote for that day. 🫂

        • Teddy.15

          Bless you dearest A.P I hope all is well, miss you loads when you are awol 🤣 biggest of hugs to all America. 🌹

          • Accidental Poet

            America hugs you back 🌹🫂

          • Thomas W Case

            Powerful and moving tribute, sweet Teddy. Tremendous work.

            • Teddy.15

              Thank you my dearest Thomas, 🌹

            • Dan Williams

              Sorry, but this is entirely about terrorism, that scourge of modern times. What demented beliefs justify this grief? Nice write though.

              • Teddy.15

                What is written on my page is about remembering those who died from terrorism yes, but I don't want to make this about them nor politics, it's a day to remember the innocent. Thank you dear Dan. 🌹

              • Goldfinch60

                Wonderful words Teddy about an horrendous episode in history.
                I was working that day in an open plan office with a dozen of us in there. That afternoon our normally busy 'phones did not ring at all.


                • Teddy.15

                  A day I hope is never ever repeated ,I offended a news reader who lived on the road in St Margarets John Stapleton he was the next door neighbour of my boss, he was catching a flight then to New York from heathrow so I ran out and said don't go stay with your family, he looked at me and must have thought I was mad. 🌹

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