Rust and steel


Steel and stone built with a plan
Clouds in the air blown by the wind
Long before time began
And rainbow’s ends were pinned

In science, all is sadness
In the mind of a philosopher all is joy
In chaos there is madness
A poet’s Hope none can destroy

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  • Teddy.15

    My husband being a PHD in physics and I with my PHD in Poetry

    In science, all is sadness
    In the mind of a philosopher all is joy
    In chaos there is madness
    A poet’s Hope none can destroy

    Probably one of the best stanza's I've ever read. 🌹 By the way I'm the Steel believe it or not 🌹

    • sorenbarrett

      Thank you Teddy I believe you are the steel and polished at that, not rusted. I as always appreciate your read and most kind comments my friend.

    • Doggerel Dave

      You bring out these nuggets nearly every day, all well polished and honed, Soren.
      This one deserves greater prominence. I agree with Teddy completely here re those four lines.
      When do you find time to eat?
      Faved because I'll want to return.

      • sorenbarrett

        Thanks Dave your words are so appreciated and I eat as I write my friend. I guess there were too many years of stuffed in garbage that I now have to sort through. I wont bother you again but know that I am constantly checking to see if something new comes from your pen.

        • Doggerel Dave

          Inspiration has gone bush for a while, Soren. Hopefully there will be a return.....

        • Thomas W Case

          Powerful work.

          • sorenbarrett

            Thank you Thomas your review is appreciated

          • Thad Wilk

            Terrific poem,
            wonderful brevity!!
            Great rhyme and flow,
            expressed superbly! 💯
            Best regards ✌️ Thad

            • sorenbarrett

              Thank you so much Thad for your encouragement and support it is appreciated

            • Dan Williams

              "And rainbow’s ends were pinned" is genius. Where the treasure is. Bravo.

              • sorenbarrett

                Thank you so much Dan for the read and most kind words of encouragement. They are deeply valued

              • Goldfinch60

                True words soren, we all have our own way to make our lives wonderful.


                • sorenbarrett

                  Thanks Andy your words of support and encouragement are deeply valued

                • Saleh Ben Saleh

                  Your words carry deep meanings and much wisdom.
                  I very much enjoyed the words and the rhyme.
                  A beautiful piece my friend.

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Thank you so much Saleh for your review and most kind words of encouragement. They are always valued

                  • Neville

                    This is just so darned good .. I'm stuck for words .. Neville

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thanks Neville your encouragement is most appreciated

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