Ten Thoughts on Freedom


Ten Thoughts on Freedom

Freedom is not a gift

no more than food is a gift.


Freedom is a responsibility

as demanding as parenthood.


Freedom lasts only as long

as people will fight to keep it.


Freedom will die when a nation

no longer treats it as priority one.


Freedom’s life blood is a free press.


The peaceful exchange of ideas

is the backbone of freedom.


Choosing to live under the rule of law

is the burden of a free man.


He who chooses structure over struggle

will choose fascism over freedom.


To be able to build your own life

 you must first build a foundation of freedom.


The hardest thing society can face

is not fighting a war to save one’s country

it’s fighting to save one’s country

by preventing a war within its society.

  • Author: MendedFences27 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 13th, 2024 09:37
  • Comment from author about the poem: Election time in the U.S. Time to think hard on choices.
  • Category: Sociopolitical
  • Views: 9
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15
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  • Cassie58

    A very topical write. We have recently had our elections and many are thinking they have ended up with something they hadn’t bargained for. Our freedoms are being curtailed by the day. Free speech has gone out the window. I value my freedom. I guess what I am saying is, the future don’t look rosy from where I am standing. Good luck with your elections. Much to ponder on here Phil. Have a great Friday.

    • MendedFences27

      Thank you, Cassie. Early November elections. The "politcking" has begun, the signs are everywhere. The news is all about what the contestants are doing. The top of the ticket is becoming a serious and close race. I feel it to be a choice between Democracy and Despotism. I have trouble contemplating the MAGA side. I consider it Stupidity.

      • Doggerel Dave

        But you are patriotic Cassie. All that sounds very negative for a true patriot.😂🤣🙃

      • Doggerel Dave

        Stirring the pot? Sorry - I've just finished responding to you and Cassie on my Patriotism post....
        Enough? ironical?
        Great write which got down to the essentials, Phil.

      • Goldfinch60

        Very good words Phil, that freedom is such a hard one to gain the way the world is at present.


      • Teddy.15

        He who chooses structure over struggle

        will choose fascism over freedom.

        Love this in particular along with your last line.

        Kudos dear Phil. 🌹

      • Neville

        I first read this yesterday while still locked out .. I thought it not only timely and apt, but demonstrated incredible insight & social awareness .. I know little about US politics but I know a narcissist when I see and hear one .. I think you have excelled here on this page Phil .. ink spilt splendidly in my opinion .. Neville

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