Death And Life


Tune: Melcombe

('New every morning is the love')

Genesis 2 v.15-17; Genesis 3 v.4-7; John 11 v.25-26


Why does one die, why do all die?

'Tis sure in life, there no deny

Adam and Eve in Eden there

Presence of the Lord God did share


They could eat of each tree but one

Of that tree to partake fruit none

It was the tree of knowledge, see

Of good and evil it sure be*


The Lord said if they of that tree

Did eat then the outcome would be

That they would surely die, but they

Tempted by serpent ate one day


Yet Jesus comes as Saviour to

Redeem mankind from death's curse, true

We all descend from Adam, Eve

Death comes to all and so we grieve


But Jesus the resurrection

And life He be, He god's own son

Who live in Him, in Him believes

Eternal life in Him receives


* but they could eat of any other tree,

including the tree of life.

  • Author: orchidee (Online Online)
  • Published: September 14th, 2024 01:46
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in Our Dad has sadly just passed away. We hold on to what gives us hope. For me, and what I seek to share with others, is my Christian faith. My view is - what else is better, what else can there be to hold to, and not only in experiences of death?
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 1
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