They Lied About the Five Minute Warning


They Lied About the Five Minute Warning


The word, on the street, was there would be

   another world war ..

   Those that laughed, have since all gone quiet ..

You see, there was never

   going to be the proverbial, five minute warning ..


  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 15th, 2024 04:22
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 54
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • orchidee

    In dafter personal times I would say - nor was there any 5 year warning before I married KP! lol.

    • Neville

      Why am I not surprised eh'

    • Doggerel Dave

      ... And never will be, plus even if there were, where to go, what difference would it make?

      Precisely, Neville.

      • Neville

        Even more than that even .. Cheers D .. Neville

      • Cassie58

        Now there!s cheerful for ya, but yes it plays on the mind. I think the five minute warning would be horrifying. Best not know. I just hope Iā€™m not left behind. The sun is still shining here Neville, making the most of it.

        • Neville

          I think along very similar lines Cassie .. there is a chill in the air here .. It may be Aga time shortly ..

        • Dan Williams

          One thing is very sure; there will never be two more world wars.

          • Neville

            I fear it will happen so quick there may not even be won ..

          • Goldfinch60

            So true Neville, we may never know until it happens.


            • Neville

              Who was it that sang boom bang a bang .. N

            • Tom Dylan

              This really gave me chills, Neville.

              • Neville

                Go dry out in the sun or put another bar on the lecky fire mate .. cheers for the compliment .. N

              • Accidental Poet

                So true N, those five minutes will be spent calling their own.

                • Neville

                  my bunker is almost complete .. I am soon to post invitations to join me therein .. I got a shedload of notepads, a job lot of pens a crate of single malt and all my LP's safely tucked away .. anyone interested in joining me .. just let me know .. Neville

                  • Accidental Poet

                    Will there be internet so we can post our poems on MPS? Or will we just have to tack them on the wall for each other to read? šŸ˜€

                    • Neville

                      it depends which way they come for us šŸ˜‰

                    • sorenbarrett

                      This reminds me of grammer school during the cold war when we had drills of hiding under our desks for a neuclear attack as if that would do any good.

                      • Neville

                        I have the very same recollection .. how strange is that .. who would ever believe it today eh'

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