

My gracious friend 
and a true third ear 
wisdom's tooth 
a heart in bloom 
and sometimes a heart in doom 
metaphor is a glove
that can hide his scars 
ripped off in a moment
with humour and laughs 
reflection a talent
through thick and through thin
a wonderful poet 
A darker mind is Melvin. 
  • Author: Teddy.15 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 17th, 2024 01:28
  • Comment from author about the poem: Yes you. I bet you didn't see that coming...Thank you for being my most kindest of mentors. You taught me to write from my heart and I hope I always do ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿ’™
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 17
  • Users favorite of this poem: aDarkerMind, Accidental Poet
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  • sorenbarrett

    A most wonderful tribute to another great poet. Fun to read and a surprise ending as well.

    • Teddy.15

      Long ago this wonderful poet told me to write from my heart, and I wouldn't have my raven collection if he hadn't, sometimes in life isn't it a lovely gesture just to say thank you. As I also say thank you to you dearest sorrenbarret ๐ŸŒน

      • sorenbarrett

        A most beautiful gesture. I too appreciate his poetry

      • aDarkerMind

        well Teddy, am not ashamed to say this wonderful write has put many tears in my eyes.
        and words fail me right now.

        you are blessed with a talent to write...
        and blessed with a true heart of gold.

        Thank You Teddy.

        • Teddy.15

          Ah Melvin it takes one to know one, I wouldn't even be here on this site if it wasn't for your genuine guidance and kindness, so today I give something small back to you in comparison of what you have given to me dear friend. Every time I write a poem even when it's terrible, I write it from my heart because one day a gentleman noticed and I took advice because the kindest thing we can give as people is genuine encouragement to always do our best. I know this summer has once again been hard for you, but your tears today are filled with pride. As I always will remember if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't sometimes push my own limits, and that has always been something that has healed me. โค๏ธ Ps, I also know how modest you are so I am so very humbled you have taken it as a giant piece of gratitude. ๐ŸŒน

        • Cassie58

          Dear Teddy. You have such a generous heart. A fine tribute to Melvin and all the help he has given with your writing. From the heart is so important when conveying words. I can see already this has knocked his socks off and made his day. I also have to say Teddy, that unknowingly you pointed me towards Melvinโ€™s unique writing. So a big thank you to you and your mentor. Have a super day. ๐ŸŒน

          • Teddy.15

            Thank you dearest Cassie, I'm glad to have acquainted you. Happy Tuesday dear friend ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐ŸŒน

            • Cassie58

              And of course letโ€™s fly the flag Teddy ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ

              • Teddy.15

                Oh yes let's dooo, I'm not sure if my English is perfect anymore but I will fly my beloved flag every day ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿค—

              • Accidental Poet

                I don't know Melvin, and have not read his poetry before, but with so much praise of a poet how can I not? Your poem for him shows your gratitude and appreciation for his craft. Beautifully penned Teddy. ๐ŸŒน

                • Teddy.15

                  And your words show so much kindness, thank you dear A.P he has certainly had a lot to do with my love of poetry and the fact I have more than just a few poems in a personal book that i actually love. Thank you dear friend. ๐ŸŒน His very simple words spoke (write from the heart) and I always try my best. ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿค—

                  • Accidental Poet

                    The results of your efforts is very obvious Teddy. You ARE most certainly a POET. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒน

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Wonderful words and tribute Teddy.


                    • Teddy.15

                      Thank you dear Andy. ๐ŸŒน

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