

there were no cathedrals 

domes or church spires 

or even heavenly choirs 

when I dreamed in the clutch 

of covid 


yet there was peace 

and a blinding flashing of lights

against a backdrop of 

vast ebon sky 

and there was singing too

a song of eternal love 

emanating from the presence 

of a pulsating brightness 


a voice not recognized 

mesmerized me completely 

no doubt it was my song 

lyrics written for me and me 



brimful was i to overflowing 

knowing that I had lived 

and there was love from another 

to the depths and heights

of the unknown 


my poet mind wanders 

no big deal 

though the tears cried on waking 

no figment of my imagination 

they were real 

  • Author: Cassie58 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 17th, 2024 08:00
  • Comment from author about the poem: Just a share of an experience when I caught COVID a year ago.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 38
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15, Accidental Poet
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  • Teddy.15

    Wow a boomerang into the beyond and unknown, the singing maybe angels? Lyrics written for you and you alone, wow I just got a glimpse into someone else's mind, so very happy you are here to tell your tale because so many only went one way. As you always do with style and grace kudos my dear Cassie. ๐ŸŒน

    • Cassie58

      Thank you Teddy, I didnโ€™t see angels but I felt so much love. Not a near death experience, just a fever which left a very memorable experience in its wake. Always appreciate your support for my efforts ๐ŸŒน

    • sorenbarrett

      Visions in our darkest hours are sometimes the most uplifting. The depths of pain and despair balanced by the euphoria of joy. Lovely Cassie so glad you made it through

      • Cassie58

        Thank you Soren. In the midst of a fever, I experienced something wonderful. I was never in danger, even though I was ill. Pleased you enjoyed reading.

      • Neville

        When I eventually get better, I shall pray for a near life experience ..

        jeez Cassie, how I wish I woz your pen Chuck .. Neville

        • Cassie58

          Hi Neville, you donโ€™t need my pen youโ€™ve got your own and itโ€™s a prolific one too, with amazing variety.

          Near life experience? Thatโ€™s funny lol. Many thanks for your thoughts. Hope your Wednesday goes well.

        • Accidental Poet

          Simply beautiful words. Thankfully your still here with us. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘

          • Cassie58

            Thank you AP. I was never in danger, just a fever. I appreciate your kind words. Have a lovely day.

          • orchidee

            A true spiritual experience Cassie.

            • Cassie58

              Yes Orchi, it was very much a spiritual experience. A memorable one and most reassuring. Thank you for your thoughts today.

            • Dan Williams

              Scary stuff. Plagues are pretty high on my list of ways human will undo ourselves. Good for you though.

              • Cassie58

                Thanks Dan. The experience wasnโ€™t scary for me, it was reassuring. Left a memorable impression on me. Many thanks for stopping by. Have a good Wednesday.

              • Goldfinch60

                Wonderful words Cassie, I too have had Covid but as ever music brought me through it.


                • Cassie58

                  Music can be a life saver for many Andy. COVID was unpleasant but this experience was actually very reassuring. Thank you so much for stopping by today.

                • Thad Wilk

                  A wonderful poem and
                  true story too!!
                  I'm sooo happy that
                  you pulled through!! ๐Ÿ™
                  Thanks for sharing
                  this with us poetess!! ๐Ÿ‘
                  Stay safe!!
                  Best wishes ๐Ÿค— ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿฆ. Thad

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