The Final Retreat

Thomas W Case

When Summer's heat
gives way to
autumns bliss,
I will kiss this
world goodbye
and walk to
the woods
to save
the last sliver
of my humanity,
where the creek
meets the river of
my destiny.
Far away from
the shitty city of
sick Streets
and broken

  • Author: Thomas W Case (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 18th, 2024 09:53
  • Comment from author about the poem: I've been on a fishing trip in northern Minnesota. It's good to be back. My YouTube channel has short videos of the trip.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 154
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15, aDarkerMind, domilla
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  • Cassie58

    Nothing like the natural environment to lift spirits and put things into perspective. That is a great photo of you Thomas with your catch. Pleased to read you again.

    • Thomas W Case

      Thanks, Cassie. I appreciate it.

    • orchidee

      Good write T.

    • Teddy.15

      I have visited your YouTube fishing antics and I must say you look very at peace tranquill and happy, free to roam on the ocean catching pike and maybe other wonderful things. It was a pleasure to watch, and this poem although I gasped because it's somewhat a goodbye note I know that it is not to poetry. 🌹 Always a marvelous read dearest Thomas. Ps your crew look fun too. ⛵

      • Thomas W Case

        Thank you, dear sweet Teddy. I appreciate the visits.

      • Dan Williams

        The city streets will curse you, the woods will help heal you. Stay with it.

      • Neville

        I am very fortunate to live in the country with few neighbours but some very good friends not too far away so as to feel isolated .. I take your point about cities but I blame the people that run and abuse them every which way for motives I can't get my head around .. but then that's people for ya .. having said all that, I often take myself off even more deeper into the countryside or wilderness to meditate & still occasionally fish .. nice little jack pike Thomas, my biggest to date is just 2 oz over 30lb .. Tight lines sir .. Neville

        • Thomas W Case

          Superb, my friend. That is a big one.

        • Goldfinch60

          Enjoy your times in the countryside Thomas, they can be wonderful.


        • sorenbarrett

          A feeling that I can identify with Thomas. Whether taken literally or metaphorically it works well.

        • aDarkerMind

          I enjoyed the youtube vid Thomas
          almost as much as I enjoy reading your words.
          another fine write my friend.

        • Tom Dylan

          Another classic. Love the finality yet optimism. A fine write. And I love your YouTube channel too.

        • thinkerbell

          Such a beautiful piece of Poetry😍😍

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