
Bella Shepard

Notice of absence from Bella Shepard
After dealing with some health issues for the last few months, I have decided to take a leave of absence until the dust settles and the clouds go away. I feel badly that I have been absent so much, for I miss my friends. I hope to be back before too long. I also hope that all of you will all be safe and well.

The me that was

Is not the me that is

And the me that is

Is not the me that will be

The me that will be

Is waiting to be discovered

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  • Cassie58

    Dear Bella, wishing you well and hoping those clouds make a rapid retreat. Every good wish to you for better health on that pathway to the future.

    • Bella Shepard

      Thank you so much Cassie!!

    • aDarkerMind

      my thoughts are with you Bella.
      I hope things get better....
      and hope to see you back here soon.

      • Bella Shepard

        Thank you my friend, I hope to be back soon.

      • Teddy.15

        You will find the you in you my sweet Bella. 🌹 ❤️ Sending all my love and best wishes. We will be waiting for you my darling lady. 🤗

        • Bella Shepard

          God bless dearest Teddy, I think about all of you every day.

        • orchidee

          Who am I? Am I me, myself, or I?! heehee.

          • Bella Shepard

            That's a question I ask myself each day, lol. Thank you Orchi!

          • Doggerel Dave

            You have been, and will be sorely missed, Bella....... I've run out of words, because they do not, cannot adequately express the way I feel about this.
            Please get well and come back soon.

            • Bella Shepard

              Thank you so much dearest Dave for your kind wishes. It hasn't felt right not being here, so I'm workin real hard to get back soon. Take good care my friend!

            • Accidental Poet

              Here's wishing you a speedy recovery and all is well with you. 🌹

            • Dan Williams

              Me too.

            • Goldfinch60

              We all move on into different palces in our lives Bella.


              • Bella Shepard

                Thank you Andy, you've said it very well.

              • Tom Dylan

                Just brilliant! Loved this. Hope you're doing okay.

                • Bella Shepard

                  Thank you Tom, I woke up with the poem in my head and it seemed to describe where I am now. I'm doing OK. Take care!

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