

The wasp stings both the smart and stupid
The rabbit gives no handicap to the slow dog
Blind are the eyes of Cupid
We enjoy bacon that comes from any hog

Predators kill the sick and weak
Big fish eat the small
Humans are up dream's creek
attempting to save them all

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  • Teddy.15

    A good sharp shake of the booty, yes reality is right in front of me reading this, the guanciale Is my favourite part of the hog 🤣 brilliant as always 🌹

    • sorenbarrett

      Thanks so much Teddy so appreciate the read and comment my friend

    • aDarkerMind

      and up dreams creek we seem to be these days soren.

      as impressed as always with your words.

      • sorenbarrett

        Thanks Darker that means a great deal comming from you

      • Accidental Poet

        So true soren, we can't save them all. All we can do is live and do our very best. 😉

        • sorenbarrett

          Thanks accidental for the review and words of support they are appreciated

        • Cassie58

          It’s a dog eat dog world out there. Nature is nature. Has a mind of its own, can’t be controlled. We are forever trying to save something. Maybe more effort should be put in to saving ourselves. As a species we can be pitiful. Great write Soren

          • sorenbarrett

            Thank you Cassie yes I think that nature has a few years head start on the whole issue of what is best. Appreciate the read and comment

          • orchidee

            Good write SB.

          • Thomas W Case

            Brilliant work.

            • sorenbarrett

              Thanks so much Thomas

            • Dan Williams

              Smooth, evocative, typical. Yet another winner.

              • sorenbarrett

                Thanks Dan for the read and kind words they are always appreciated

              • Goldfinch60

                Good words soren, humans should not interfere with Nature as it has its own way of progressing.


                • sorenbarrett

                  Thank you Gold so much for the read. So true nature has the upper hand and we are only part of it.

                • Neville

                  I like this very much ..
                  I also think the whole thing could work if the word kill replaced save in the summative line .. just saying on behalf of a friend .. Neville

                  • sorenbarrett

                    So right Neville that is the flip side and puts a whole new twist on the meaning, which as you say also makes good sense. thanks so much for the read and comment

                  • Tom Dylan

                    An intriguing piece, Soren, with some fantastic lines.

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thanks Tom for the read and comment it is always appreciated

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