If the Cap Don't Fit .. & .. Glare


If the Cap Don’t Fit


No matter how old, or how brave, how strong, how right or how

   wrong, if the cap doesn’t fit, then don’t try to force it ..

You’ll just wear the bloody thing out, so why not hand it to some other

   poor sod who may benefit more and might even wear it ..






it now hurts

so much

to see ..

He no longer


going blind ..



he still


to this

very day

the moment


whisky sour


bitter sweet,


the glare

of her

baby blue eyes ..


  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 21st, 2024 04:14
  • Comment from author about the poem: I shouldn't really be here but thought since I'm waiting for some pc doctor to sort me out, I would make the most of it .. another buy into one & get another one free day๐Ÿค
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 15
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  • Doggerel Dave

    But if you is still 'ere, can't be nothing much wrong with your PC...

    However, technical issues aside, your premium page entry here does highlight a common phenomenon, to whit promotion or elevation to a level above the proud wearer's level of competence..... Economic considerations sometimes complicate the issue......

    Thanks for the freebee, Neville. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    • Neville

      it would seem there were windows, but I was always being locked out of them .. am hoping the bugs have been sorted .. cost enough ..

      • Doggerel Dave

        Yeh - my PC Doctor charges like a wounded bull, but what can I do?

        Wishing you trouble free web movement (for several months??)

      • sorenbarrett

        Almost got me Neville I think I have left visual field neglect. Almost missed the two for one special. Hats I have many and switch them all the time. I have to admit that some don't serve me well and I don't look good in others so I pass them off there are even some that I keep and don't wear. As for that whiskey sour I love em and hate when they are too bittersweet, Nicely done.

        • Neville

          Thanks my friend .. Neville

        • orchidee

          You know old Orchi's trying to wear this cap that's too big for him. He can't see where he's going. Doh!
          Well, he wears it so he won't see KP much. lol.

          • Neville

            I imagine thatโ€™s an arrangement that suits both of you .. ๐Ÿ‘

          • Dove

            Silly me, here I am thinking pill caps, bottle caps, darn things hurt my hand twisting them off. Most definitely give the caps you wear away,

            • Neville

              Well, well well, what a lovely surprise .. I'll take my cap off to you Dove me luv .. Neville

              • Doggerel Dave

                Excuse me Neville for one moment.....
                Hi Dove - long time not hear from... got solution for yer:
                Back to you Neville.

                • Neville

                  frightfully and writefully excused

                • Tony36

                  Great write

                  • Neville

                    ................................ Cheers ๐Ÿ˜Ž

                    • Tony36

                      You're welcome

                    • Goldfinch60

                      Two good ones Neville, but I hope that whisky was not my Laphroaig.


                      • Neville

                        Thank you sir .. neva fear, I prefer em a tad less peaty ..

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