A Perfect Storm

The Beauteously Brainy Bard

From whence sway eloquence and lovely form,
when together rule ugliness and gloom?
Within me, these clash in a perfect storm;
and war like forces of triumph and doom.


This sense of threatening darkness now outshines
the glory of composing joyful phrases.
But conflict, struggle, the crux of these lines,
persist and flow in timeless, natural phases.


To laugh, or to weep? That essential choice
(the one to weigh and judge) stands. Man desires.
Bards long to boldly sing free, and rejoice,
like the revived who ne'er fatigues or tires!


So gloomy was my melancholic core,
I lost faith in rhyme's splendor once before.

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  • Cheeky Missy

    But we see you've regained your pleasure in the same since you've rendered your dilemma in such form. Lovely and beautifully rendered with excellently subtle poignancy. Thank you for sharing.

    • The Beauteously Brainy Bard

      Thank you so very much once more for your expressions of fervor and enthusiasm (for my sonnet) and penetrating comment! Moreover, thank you for liking and faving them as well, gestures for which I am truly grateful and appreciative of. Also, your increasingly consistent readership (of my poetry) is quickly turning into something that I'm growing covetous of by now, truth be told. BBB.

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