
One day I shall spread my wings
And fly like a bird on a swing


Oh sush, birds don't fly on a swing 
Nor will you spread your wings
You will only swing on the swing of fate
Till you throw up and she wins


I didn't back down
The threat I heard so many times
Legal spark inside my illegal mind
Told me to be bold 
And I stood firm on my ground


Sexist are you to the core
Said the emboldened me
Why should fate be a She
Why can't she be a He?


Peel of merry laughter 
Unsettling to my already battered core
Made me squirm like a fox
Caught in headlights of an approaching doom
On frozen asphalt 


The sweet voice in a sweet tone,
Like the one wifey applies on the irate me,
Said fate so gently 
When you find something 
Which maketh life and un-maketh on its whims
Then you better realise 
That thing is a She 
Whether awake are you 
Or swimming in moronic dreams


  • Author: Rebellion In Sanity (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 29th, 2024 07:21
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 9
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  • sorenbarrett

    An so were named the seas and moon anciently, the moon a she the sun a he it makes total sense to me. Great poem my friend

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