Tune: Veni Emmanuel
('O come, O come, Emmanuel')
Revelation 19 v.11-16
Heaven opened, behold, white horse
Ready to go forth in his course
He that sat on Him, Faithful, True
Was His name, right judgements shall do
Rejoice, you righteous, Christ shall come
And take you to His heavenly home
In righteousness He judges, makes war
Enemies incur His wrath sore
His eyes a flame of fire, and on
His head many crowns, He God's Son - Chorus
He had name written on Him, though
No one but Himself it did know
Was clothed in a robe dipped in blood
Yet brings salvation, cleansing flood - Chorus
His name, The Word of God, and see
Him follows the heavenly armies
On white horses, and clothed they be
In fine linen, white, clean, holy - Chorus
Out of His moth goes a sharp sword
To smite the nations with God's word
He shall rule them with iron rod
Treads the winepress of Almighty God - Chorus
The winepress of the fierceness, wrath
Of God, 'gainst enemies shown both
On His robe and thigh name written
orchidee (
- Published: December 7th, 2024 04:06
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem with verses in and Chorus in 8.8. We may not be able to interpret all the symbols, imagery, etc of Revelation. I've left some of the Bible verses as they are. We can get the main message - Christ's Second Coming - if verses seem a bit contradictory, e.g. No one knows His name except He Himself (verse 3) yet the name is revealed in some of the other verses.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 21
- Users favorite of this poem: Tristan Robert Lange
Once again another banger. You certainly have a knack for writing these Orchi. I have seen no one else on multiple sites that write hymns like yours
Thanks SB - and my other genre of 'daftness'?!
Wow! And, theologically, this lives fully into the Spirit and hope of Advent! Beautiful, Orchi! 👏🌹❤️
Thanks T.
Oh, this reminds me it’s Sunday. A sacred space to give thanks and be thankful!
Thanks A - me reading this Saturday!
Lol, that’s right O. Still haven’t gotten my head around that: Timezone and international date line…. Thought it was a dating service for all types.
Good one Orchi but I hope that wine press does not put any more water in my wine.
Thanks Gold. lol.
Thanks Gold.
AMEN!! 🙏
A beautifully penned and
resplendent hymn poem!! 👍
An awesome read indeed!!
Best regards ✌️ Thad
Thanks Thad. Ahh, one of my favourite words 'resplendent'. It makes an appearance in some of my poems.
a fine hymn poem Orchidee ..
Thanking you finely, N.
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