
Tristan Robert Lange

As I sit here by myself this morning,                                                 alone in a darkened, pre-sun-lit room,

   I think to myself of that time all those                                        years ago, twenty-nine years to be

        exact, when I came to you so excitedly                             with a new song I had recorded.

              Honestly, looking back on it, I am sure                  that I would cringe at it if I were

                 listening to that song this very minute,           I am sure it wasn’t all that very

                        good, and I am sure you may have felt    some disappointment in that

                             song’s lack of quality. Still, there I was sharing what I was so very

                                      proud of to you, my music teacher from my primary school

                                            years.  I was a high schooler at the time, in a rock gig,

                                                    and I came back to visit you because you had

                                                          inspired me in the arts, in music—your

                                                             Michael Kamen dreams—and, truly,

                                                                 you had inspired me in singing,

                                                                  complimenting my Vienna

                                                                  Boys Choir, boy alto voice.

                                                                  But there I stood that day,

                                                                  sharing with you the music

                                                                  I had so passionately made,

                                                                hoping you’d there see value—

                                                                not so much in the song itself,

                                                               but in me, your former student.

                                                             Instead, you stood there blankly

                                                        and you told me, with a straight face,

                                                     that you missed my pre-pubescent, high

                                                 voice. Then, after saying that, you just walked

                                                 away. After decades of self-doubt, self-hatred,

                                              and being too afraid to put myself out there in any

                                             real, artistic way—after a lifetime of tears and pain—

                                             not even really consciously thinking of that day and

                                              time, nor even attributing any of the pain I had felt

                                              to you, I must now sit and wonder (not in anger or

                                               disdain, but in the truest curiosity) why would you

                                               ever show such cold indifference to a teenager?

                                              Yes, to you—my teacher—I would simply ask why?


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  • orchidee

    This will send us nutty - there was a guy who answered 'why?' to every statement, if it was a question or not! He should keep taking the anti-nutty tablets. lol.

    • Tristan Robert Lange

      LOL! Indeed! 🌰 Thank you for reading and commenting my friend. As for that guy, I would simply ask, why? 🤣

    • arqios

      Been there, done a variation of that; what sticks with me at this junction is the fork that forms as we branch out. Not everyone will be on our branch. Funny, but true. 👍🏻Walking off from this with a myriad of thoughts. 🙏🏻 Y?

      • Tristan Robert Lange

        Very true, indeed! Thank you so much, my friend, for your time and deep engagement, as always. Much appreciated! 🙏🖤

        • arqios

          You’re much welcome 🙏🏻

        • sorenbarrett

          Heart breaking. A teacher's job is to teach and with out incentive you loose the fish without bait you can not datch it. Encourage don't discourage. Well done

          • Tristan Robert Lange

            Exactly, Soren! 💯 It was weird how this memory manifested...while in the shower listening to a Christmas song performed by the Vienna Boys Choir. Bam! Repressed memory pops up! LOL! Anyway, thank you for your time and thoughtful analysis. Much appreciated my dear friend! 🙏🖤

          • Poetic Licence

            Happens all to often, teachers completely dismissive of the young people they are there to nurture, encourage, inspire and build confidence in. This poem shows all to clearly what effect and how long that effect will last on a young person as they go out into the world. Very well written, but in that format i found it very difficult to read, Great piece

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              Yes. Shape poetry can be challenging depending on the shape. As I shared with Soren above, this memory manifested while in the shower listening to a Christmas song performed by the Vienna Boys Choir...as I was thinking on that moment in my life, I began asking the question why and immediately envision the poem in the shape of a Y. So, as the muse dictates! LOL! Anyway, thank you for your time and thoughtful analysis. Much appreciated Tobani! 🙏🖤

              • Poetic Licence

                You are very welcome

              • Cassie58

                Teachers are there to encourage and inspire. So sad that in this case this woman failed so badly and the effects were long lasting. This poem made me reflect on some of my own teachers. A right mixed bunch they were. A nice piece of reflection Tristan. All good wishes.

                • Tristan Robert Lange

                  Indeed. A right mixed bunch mine were too. Yes, that is what teachers are there to do and it really does make me ponder why this one teacher could not find it in their heart to build up a kid rather than tear down. Then again, I am always puzzled at humanity's propensity toward tearing down, and teachers are humans. Anyway, thank you for your time, personal reflection, encouragement, and well wishes, Cassie! I am glad the poem delivered! 🙏🖤

                • Doggerel Dave

                  I don’t think the question can be answered other than to remind that there are bad actors among humanity. Having noted that is not to dismiss the pain of your experience, Tristan.
                  I’d like to acknowledge your formatting. I made an attempt quite early on to attempt a novel layout or two and failed miserably. Those that do (and you are among a small elite group) I can only salute as I do you.

                  • Tristan Robert Lange

                    For sure Dave. I agree. There really is no answer other than the one you provided...though I do ponder what drives those actors bad. Again, probably no single, let alone satisfactory, answer to that. As for the formatting, thank you so very much. I am humbled, truly! 🖤🙏 This one was challenging, I am not going to lie. And then there was how it was showing up online. Ah...the things one starts before considering. I truly appreciate your salute and your kind words, my friend! ☺️

                    • Doggerel Dave

                      Have a good Festive Season and take it easy, Tristan.

                      • Tristan Robert Lange

                        You too, Dave!

                      • Neville

                        There is an old saying .. "those who can, do and those who can't, teach" .. and whilst I do believe there is some truth in this .. it still doesn't give anyone the right to be so bloomin rude .. A truly captivating Y shaped poem Tristan .. Neville

                        • Tristan Robert Lange

                          💯 I concur. Truthfully, I have no clue where their talents lay beyond the classroom, but yeah. No one has that right...yet they sure do exercise it! 🤣 Anyway, thank you kind sir for your time and your thoughts. Y, I am glad the poem resonated! 🙏🖤

                        • Teddy.15

                          Oh Tristan I know it was a truly wonderful piece of music some proffs are void of emotion, sometimes they just believe they see more others so little, here in Italy we ha e many of these types. Pulling on my heartstrings today. 🌹

                          • Tristan Robert Lange

                            Oh…dearest Teddy, thank you for your kind and empathy-filled words. Indeed, this was a bit of a repressed memory that came out the other day. Weird how that happens. It sure did bring up a bunch of unexpected emotions….many of the ones I felt in that moment…followed by a profound sadness now…for that person. How damaged must someone be to behave that way? Did they give it any thought? Etc. Anyway, dear Teddy, I am lucky to call you friend and thank you for your empathy and your thoughtful words!🌹🙏❤️

                          • NinjaGirl

                            I believe with the teacher shortages they start to hire cranky old people...I'm serious I think that's what they put on their CV!

                            • Tristan Robert Lange

                              I would not. at all. be surprised! 🤣 You very well may be right! Thank you so much, my friend. Always appreciate your time and engagement! 🙏❤️

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