From a Taste of Summer to Christmas

Cheeky Missy

...oh! but it's like the homemade ice cream from the 80's, melted.
And How About A Melon Milkshake?
French toast of dried baquette, an omelet hence
And roast potatoes, sourdough buttered, frail
As who cares what for brunch, how sparrows hail,
Playing on the deck, pure blue skies, children thence
Chase fun in snow on hill and dale, a sense
Of all we cherished in such games t'avail,
My ugly Christmas sweater's llama bail
Where green tights set off red and white fr'intents.
It is the shortest day and gloaming'd stir
With romance ere it seems we fully knew;
The Cranb'rry Velvet made at last in tour,
Oh LORD, let us praise You. Where peach' adieu
In freighted calm, take out the trash.  We were
But children, dreaming, when Thou savst us too.
21Dec24a's green and very fake.
I Still Don't Have A "Real" One
We never had a live tree to avail,
Each Jan'ry stowing caref'lly all fr'intents,
T'unwrap aught in December with a sense
Of its antique charm, silver tinsel frail
In ancient, crackling papers dragged out, hale
As t'were in mem'ries frae Mum's childhood, dense
With import, numbered branch by branch, stuck thence
T'effect in place, old orn'ments hung for bail.
Construction paper chains strung 'round in tour
And 'round with homemade orn'ments put up too,
Til how the scraggly tree looked grand! We were
Content, though I would wonder oer the crew
Of folk who'd cut theirs down.  Ours'd hum, astir
Like some old grampa who'd tell what he knew.
...I grew up?!
Funny, I Never Realized
Mum's Christmas glasses with poinsett'yas thence
All round, which she'd serve eggnog in to scale,
Are mine; faint visions of lo, gradeschool hail
Now I use them likewise, as if fr'intents
Half sacred as they seemed back then; a sense
Of her care using them revived, I fail
It seems, still but a child unfit t'avail
Me of the grown-ups' stuff and that pretense.
Should I now scuttle off to bed in her
Dear mem'ry, that which, erm, adults may chew
The fat, discuss the world, and laugh in tour
Whileas I drift at length to sleep?  I knew
Someday I'd be like them, but when, as t'were?
I'm still just me, her glasses what now, too?
  • Author: Chic George (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 23rd, 2024 19:34
  • Comment from author about the poem: Please tell me I wasn't having too much fun. An epiphany following, the next day would capitalize on, but more on that later, if the LORD will.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 12
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  • sorenbarrett

    Ah but what a Christmas triolgy here we have. Full of cheer and good will. Loved it

  • Neville

    three of the very best .. and each one so very timely .. made me salivate into my begging bowl . please send the recipe for cranberry velvet & to hell with that old sweater .. I reckon you should go neck 'ed once the kids are tucked up & enjoy yourself .. then fall asleep if you can and dream of roast potatoes & halcyon days of yore .. πŸ˜ŽπŸ§πŸ‘

    • Cheeky Missy

      Oh? But you apparently know me insufficiently--I don't tolerate "ugly." It's a cute llama but the overall effect of the bulky sweater is classified as "ugly." And I live with one of my brothers whence the suggestion, kindly intended, is only for showering. As you requested (and acknowledged), I emailed the recipe and again, hope you all enjoy it as much as we do. Thank you so very much for your kind comment! Merry Christmas!

    • rin

      It's wonderful that you never forget who you are.
      ``Tenderness to You\\\'\\\' After reading this, I want you to post these words in the comments of other poems and spread them around like chain mail.

    • Tristan Robert Lange

      You are most definitely having fun, but I would dare never say too much. It cannot happen! LOL! Besides, if you are not having too much fun, then neither are we! 🀣 Ah, my friend, thank you for spreading the cheer from from frozen melon shakes and Cranberry Velvet whatever...mmmm! We have a real tree to deter a real cat, but hey...I grew up on nothing but "fake" trees, and I like them just fine! Also, "real" trees are really expensive anymore! Anywho, my dear friend, I am so glad that you having so much fun and sharing it with the rest of us! Please do keep up with the fun! 🀩

      • Cheeky Missy

        Thank you so very much! Yes, my one and only house cat, Priscilla, did like to play with the ancient silver tinsel tree and its ornaments more than Mom liked, landing her swiftly outside to think twice about her choices. On the other hand, that scene with the Persian in Christmas Vacation is my absolute favorite. As I've never been able to comprehend why anyone would want a real fir, I'll be glad you're enjoying yours and leave it at that. The dish mentioned is a family favorite, and the melon milkshakes were reminiscent of the canteloupe ice cream my father used to craft in the 80's. Thank you again so very much for your kind approbation and comment. Merry Christmas to you!

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          You’re welcome, my friend! Merry Christmas! πŸŽπŸŽ„

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          Oh...and did I fail to say [*checks*]...yes, I failed to say: MERRY CHRISTMAS! πŸŽ„πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ„

          • Cheeky Missy

            Thank you again! Merry Christmas to you!

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