The Write Fright

Tristan Robert Lange

O my, O my, what an absolute fright,
I am stuck here with pencil and paper,
Yet, I find I have not one thing to write
And all cool thoughts went up like vapor.
This is, you must know, a poet’s worst fear,
And always at such a bad time as this,
That the muse and the words all disappear
And strip the poor artist of any bliss.
O friend, dearest friend, what should I now do?
I haven’t anything real to here say,
It has left my creativity blue
And longing for a more productive day.
This, right now, I do pray my dearest friend,
That this writer’s block ain’t a rising trend.
© 2024 Tristan Robert Lange. All rights reserved.
  • Author: Tristan Robert Lange (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 27th, 2024 09:56
  • Comment from author about the poem: It is what it is! I am quite sure the muse will return shortly, just not here in this moment. So, what does a poet do when a poet doesn't know what to write? A poet write's about not being able to write! 🤣 It's as valid and real an experience as all the rest! I love observational poetry! It virtually leaves the observant poet with something to always write about!
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 26
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15, Cheeky Missy
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  • Tony36

    Excellent write Tristan

    • Tristan Robert Lange

      Thank you Tony! I am glad you enjoyed it! 🙏❤️

      • Tony36

        You're welcome

      • Poetic Licence

        A poem that contradicts itself in a fun way, not knowing what to write, so wrote about not knowing what to write hence knew what to write. A very enjoyable read

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          Indeed! Glad you caught that. It is the best sort of writer's rebellion to write about nothing, rather than write nothing at all! LOL! Fun times! I am so glad you enjoyed it, my dear friend! 🙏🌹

          • Poetic Licence

            You are very welcome

          • Teddy.15

            I always find when the inspiration isn't there it's just a pause and we must all take advantage of that peace, it will certainly be turned back on again in the switch of a light. So I'm sorry I'm not a believer in writers block, it should be called writers holiday lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 💜

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              Indeed. That's all it really is. And, writer's holiday didn't stall me (today anyway)! Besides, holidays are supposed to be fun and writing about not being able to write (which is irony at its best) was so much fun! 🤣 Thank you dear Teddy for your time and engagement! 🙏❤️ Here's to the next write, whatever it will, or won't , be about! 🤣

            • orchidee

              Good write T.

              • Tristan Robert Lange

                Thank you so much, Orchi! Now back to writing about nothing I go! 🤣

                • orchidee

                  There was a minister who said 'Do nothing'. It was OK for him, with pics of him swanning about on sledges in the snow with his children. There's everyday things we must do too, doesn't he know? Oh well, it only makes folk think that ministers work one day a week anyway - Sundays! lol.

                  • Tristan Robert Lange

                    Yikes. 🤣 No, for sure, that does not help to remove the old stereotype that many overworked pastors surely facepalm over! LOL!

                  • sorenbarrett

                    It seems that everyone goes through this. I have been there and you have to let go to find something. Great write

                    • Tristan Robert Lange

                      Exactly! Thank you so much, my friend! 🌹👏 Thankfully, my muse just took a slight nap anyway! 🤣 Thank you, as always, for your time and engagement, Soren. 🙏❤️

                    • Thomas W Case

                      Exactly. Fantastic.

                    • arqios

                      Just what you’re doing now, write about not being able to write. Get off the writing chair, desensitise…. go out, do something you haven’t done in a while, something that makes you forget and be lost in your moment. Enjoy. But take a on and pad with you or your ‘word processing device’, keep them within reach but out of sight (cargo pant pockets, rucksack, perhaps) . You’re not writing atm, but living out poetry. But that just imo, works a treat to truly let your hair down without any plan or motive, ngl. But I’m sure you already knew that. And this poem is proof that you’ve still got some juice in the tank.

                      • Tristan Robert Lange

                        Yes. Indeed, it is good to let loose and lay low.. As for my muse, returned a mere 8 hours, just a muse nap really. 🤣 Anyway, I figured, if nothing comes...why not write a poem about not being able to write a poem...ah the irony! LOL! Thank you so much for your kind and wise words my friend. Always appreciate your contributions to the conversation 🙏❤️

                      • Cheeky Missy

                        Writer's Block is only a monster IF you let it exist. If fantasy plays your harp, she will vaporize. But reality is never not here. The moment that thought begins creeping up on you, just take a look around you and begin to describe what you find. Utilize metaphors and similes and you've extra points.
                        That aside, how characteristically superb, beautifully rendered with excellent imagery and a fitly haunting poignancy. Thank you for sharing.

                        • Tristan Robert Lange

                          Exactly! 💯 and thank you my dear friend! Tomorrow's (Saturday) poem is (in part) inspired by you. You'll understand when you see it, but wanted to give you a heads up so you are on the look out. 😊 Anyway, thank you for your time, thoughts, and encouragement. 🙏❤️

                        • Thad Wilk

                          A wonderful write
                          on what you can't ✍️ write!🌟🤩
                          Thank you for sharing,
                          to read a delight!!! 😉
                          Best regards,
                          your muse will
                          return don't
                          give up the fight!! 💪

                          • Tristan Robert Lange

                            Thank you sir! Muse was just briefly napping! LOL! Thank you again, dear friend! I appreciate the support and the encouragement. Keeps me inspired! 🙏❤️

                          • Neville

                            Word blindness in its purest & most feared form .. now personified you canny so and so .. Neville 😎👍

                            • Tristan Robert Lange

                              You’re welcome! 🤣 Seriously, thank you so much for your playful and astute observation, my friend. It’s brought a needed smile to this morning’s (speaking of personified) tired face! Happy Saturday! 🙏❤️

                            • Dan Williams

                              Ah yes, the logjam. Sometimes I just have to let it alone for a while, no one is really pressuring me for output except me. Nice.

                              • Tristan Robert Lange

                                That is so very true! Thank you for reading Dan! Much appreciated! 🙏❤️

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